IELTS speaking part 1-Robots

IELTS speaking part 1-robots
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IELTS speaking part 1-Robots






Are you interested in robots?


ielts speaking robots“Yeah, I’m totally into robots! I think they’ve come such a long way and can be really impressive. I’m always down to learn more about how they work and what they can do.”


negative answer: “To be honest, I’m not really into robots, and actually find them a little bit creepy. Robots might be helpful in certain scenarios, but I’d much rather interact with real humans.”





  • Idioms


Down to learn is an idiom meaning to eagerly listen or to accept instruction. For example, “He was always down to learn new things, so he enrolled in the cooking class.”


Creepy typically refers to someone or something that is weird, frightening, or strange. Example: “Joe gave me an eerie smile and it made me feel really creepy.”





Have you ever watched a movie about robots?


“Yeah, I’ve  watched quite a few movies about robots before as I’m a huge sci-fi fan, so I’m really into these kinds of movies. I guess my favourite would have to be the terminator movies.”


Negative answer:No, sci-fi movies are not really my thing, and I’d much rather watch a good old-fashioned rom-com any day of the week!






What can robots do for us at home?


ielts part 1-robots“I guess, robotic technology can be a real time saver for busy households. For instance, robots can help with grocery delivery, vacuuming, and even cooking. They can take care of a lot of the mundane, everyday tasks,so we can enjoy more free time.”








  • Mundane

Mundane is an adjective that describes something that is ordinary, boring, or uninteresting. An example sentence is: His mundane job kept him locked in the office all day long.





Would you want to take a car that’s driven by a robot?


“No way! To be honest I think that’s a pretty scary thought. I’m not sure I’d even want to get in a car with a robot. It’d be like putting my life in the hands of a computer, and a little too far out of my comfort zone. I think I’ll stick to relying on good old-fashioned human driving.”


Sure, why not? I’m all for robot drivers, and I think It would be super cool to have a car handled by a robot, and would be like having your own personal chauffeur. Plus, no more getting lost in unfamiliar areas! Sign me up for a robot ride anytime!””



  • Idioms


The phrase, “to put your life in the hands of“, means to entrust someone with something so valuable that it could determine the outcome of your life. For example, She put her life in the hands of the doctor and trusted him to successfully operate.”


The idiom out of one’s comfort zone means to push oneself out of their everyday routine and into unfamiliar, potentially uncomfortable situations. For example: “Karen decided to go skydiving to get out of her comfort zone.”


To “sign up for” something means to register, enrol, or commit to it. For example, “I’m going to sign up for yoga classes at the local gym.”






Do you think robots are important?


“Yeah, I guess robots are kind of important. They certainly help make our lives easier and increase productivity. As well as that they can also take on risky jobs that would be too dangerous for humans. So, yeah I think robots are pretty important in today’s world. “


“Yes, robots are definitely important! They help to make life easier and can do tasks that are either too dangerous, too tedious, or too difficult for humans to do. 


On top of that, they’re more efficient than humans and can get more done in a shorter amount of time. So,I think it’s safe to say that robots are really worth their weight in gold!”


The idiom “to be worth its/one’s weight in gold” means something is very valuable or invaluable and it is an expression of great praise. An example sentence is: “She is such a great teacher; her advice is worth its weight in gold.”





Did you ever like to watch any cartoons about robots as a young child?


ielts speaking part 1 robots“Yes, definitely, I used to love watching cartoons with robots when I was a young kid, and I can still remember all the characters like they were my pals. Classics like Transformers were always great fun to watch. Now I’m all grown up, and I still enjoy cartoons with robots, just not as often!”








“Nah, not really. I really wasn’t too keen on cartoons as a kid, and didn’t spend much time watching TV at all. I used to prefer spending time outside playing with friends. As well as that, science fiction never did much for me, and I was much more into sports and books.”








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