IELTS speaking part 1 rain/rainy days

ielts speaking part 1 rain
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IELTS speaking part 1 rain/rainy days







Vocabulary for talking about rain/rainy days




  • Downpour: A heavy and sudden rainfall. Example: “The downpour soaked us within minutes.”


  • Drizzle: Light rain falling in fine droplets. Example: “We walked through the city streets as a gentle drizzle cooled the air.”


  • Shower: Brief and intermittent rain. Example: “I grabbed my umbrella when I noticed the showers approaching.”


  • Pitter-patter: The sound of raindrops falling lightly. Example: “I love falling asleep to the soothing pitter-patter of rain on my window.”


  • Torrential: Refers to heavy and intense rainfall. Example: “The streets quickly flooded due to the torrential rain.”


  • Sprinkle: Light rain or moisture falling in scattered drops. Example: “The garden needed a sprinkle of rain to revive the plants.”


  • Mist: Fine droplets of water suspended in the air, creating a fog-like effect. Example: “Walking through the misty rain gave a mystical feel to the forest.”


  • Damp: Slightly wet or moist. Example: “The grass felt damp under my feet after the morning rain.”


  • Umbrella: A device used to protect oneself from rain by providing a portable cover. Example: “I opened my umbrella to shield myself from the rain as I walked down the street.”


  • Rainbow: A beautiful arc of colours that appears in the sky after rain, caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight. Example: “After the storm, a vibrant rainbow stretched across the horizon.”


  • Soggy: Extremely wet, often describing something that has absorbed a lot of water. Example: “I stepped into a puddle and my shoes instantly became soggy.”


  • Thunderstorm: A weather phenomenon characterized by thunder, lightning, and heavy rainfall. Example: “The thunderstorm rattled the windows and shook the entire house.”


  • Monsoon: A seasonal wind system that brings heavy rain, typically associated with tropical regions. Example: “During the monsoon season, the region experiences frequent and intense rainfall.”


  • Soaked: Completely drenched or saturated with water. Example: “After standing in the rain, we were all thoroughly soaked.”






IELTS speaking part 1 rain/rainy/days questions





Do you like rainy days?

ielts speaking rainy days

 1: “Nah, not really. I prefer when it’s sunny, so I can go out and do stuff. As well as that, I don’t like feeling cold and wet. But, I do like to watch the rain from my window. That’s kinda cool. “


 2: “ No way! Who wants to get wet? I much prefer sunny days because I can go outside and have a good time. I don’t like having to plan out my day around the rain. “







  1. “Sure! I love rainy days, there’s something special about them. When it’s raining, I like to curl up with a book and listen to the sound of the rain outside. As well as that, the air always has a nice smell when it’s raining,and it’s a great excuse to stay indoors and get stuff done.”





What do you usually do on rainy days?


1: “ I normally like to stay inside when it’s raining. I’ll usually catch up on some reading or spend some time playing video games. Sometimes, I just like to cozy up on the sofa with a warm cup of tea while I watch my favourite movie.”


2: “On rainy days I usually like to stay at home, grab a nice warm blanket, make some hot chocolate, and watch a movie. Depending on how bad the rain is, I might even take a little nap in the afternoon.”





Does it rain much in your hometown?


1: “ No, not really. It rains a decent amount, but not nearly as much as in some other places. We get a lot of sun which is really nice. We mostly just get occasional short showers, but they don’t stick around very long. So when it does rain we just shrug it off and get on with life.”


2: Yeah, it definitely rains a lot in my hometown. During the rainy season, it rains almost every day and sometimes there are torrential downpours which can last for a few hours.”





When was the last time it rained?


1: “The last time it rained was just three days ago. I remember because I was walking outside when suddenly it started pouring down, and I got drenched as I had no umbrella with me.”


2: “It’s been a while since it last rained. I can’t even remember the exact date, but I think it was at least a few weeks ago. In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen a single rain drop since then! “





Do you change your plans for the day if it rains?

rain/rainy days

1: “If it rains, my plans for the day usually change. I usually try to figure out some other activities that I can do indoors. For example, I might stay in and do some cooking, read a book, or watch a movie.”


2: “ It really depends on what kind of plans I had for the day. If I had planned to spend my day outdoors, like going to the beach or the park, then rain would definitely change my plans. I’d probably stay indoors and find something else to do, like watch movies or have a board game night with friends.”





Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?


1: “Yeah, sometimes rain can mess with transportation in my hometown. We might get a downpour that floods the roads, which can be dangerous to drive on and can cause cars to break down and cause delays for transport services.” 


2: “In my hometown, rain rarely affects transportation. Since we don’t experience a lot of rain, it’s usually not a problem when it does come around. We usually get brief periods of rain, and it usually only lasts for a few hours before it clears up.”








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