IELTS speaking part 1 health

ielts speaking part 1 health
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IELTS speaking part 1 Health – Part 1 questions and example answers.






Some useful idioms for talking about health




  1. “A Picture of Health” – This refers to someone who is in good health, e.g. “Since giving up smoking, John has been a picture of health.”


  1. “Fit as a Fiddle” – This refers to someone who is in excellent health, e.g. “My dad is fit as a fiddle for his age.”


  1. “In the Pink” – This refers to someone who is healthy and full of energy, e.g. “My daughter has been in the pink since she started her new exercise routine.”


  1. “Health is Wealth” – This is an old saying that means that being healthy is more important than having money, e.g. “My uncle always says that health is wealth.”


  1. “Fit as a Butcher’s Dog” – This refers to someone who is in very good health, e.g. “My friend is fit as a butcher’s dog despite his recent illness.”


  1. “As Healthy as a Horse” – This refers to someone who is very healthy, e.g.finish “My son is as healthy as a horse even with his allergies.”


  1. “Bouncing Back” – This means that someone is recovering quickly from an illness, e.g. “My sister has been bouncing back from her cold quickly.”


  1. “Take a Time Out” – This means that someone should take a break from their normal activities to rest and recover, e.g. “I think I need to take a time out and rest if I want to get better.”


  1. “A Change of Pace” – This means that someone should slow down and take a break from their normal activities, e.g. “I think I need to take a change of pace and relax for a while.”


  1. “Back on Track” – This means that someone is recovering from an illness or problem, e.g. “My husband is finally back on track after his surgery.”


  1. “Under the Weather” – This means that someone is feeling sick or unwell, e.g. “I’ve been feeling under the weather lately and need to rest.”







IELTS speaking part 1 Health – Questions




What do you do to keep healthy?

ielts speaking health

  1. To stay healthy I make sure to eat a balanced diet as well as getting plenty of exercise. I also like to stay active by going for a jog or hitting the gym a few times a week.


  1. Well, as the saying goes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, so I like to stay in shape by eating healthy snacks and meals. I also make sure to take some time for myself to relax and unwind, whether it’s just reading a book or taking a walk. Taking care of myself is key to staying healthy!








Hit the gym: This idiom means to exercise, usually at a gym. For example, I like to hit the gym three times a week to stay healthy.





Do you think it’s important to eat a healthy diet?


1.“Yes, I think it’s extremely important to eat healthy. Eating nutritious food gives me energy and helps me feel good about myself. I always try to have a variety of fruits, veggies, and whole grains in my diet, and it helps me to stay energized and alert throughout the day.”


2.“Yes, I do think it’s important to eat healthy. Eating nutritious foods helps to fuel my body and gives me the energy to take on my day, as well as helping me to feel my best, both physically and mentally.”





Do you usually eat a healthy diet?

ielts speaking topics health

1.“I usually try to eat a balanced diet, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. However, sometimes I give into my cravings and indulge in unhealthy snacks or comfort foods.


The idiom “give into one’s cravings” means to yield to a temptation or urge. For example, “I gave into my cravings and had a slice of cake even though I was trying to eat healthy.”







Comfort food is usually a type of food that evokes emotions of nostalgia or familiarity, which can help to bring a sense of comfort. For example, “I always turn to mac and cheese when I’m feeling down; it’s my go-to comfort food”.





What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?


1.“Well, I guess I could start by making healthier food choices and swapping out junk food for healthy snacks like nuts and fruits. As well as that I could also make an effort to get more exercise by taking a daily walk or joining a gym.”


2.“Actually, this is something I’ve been thinking about lately, and I plan to start going to bed earlier and getting more rest. On top of that, I’m going to try and limit my time playing computer games and replace it with activities like going for a walk or a bike ride.”





Did/do you learn anything about health in school?


1.“Yes, we learned a few things about health back in high school. I remember the teacher discussed nutrition, exercise, as well as things about mental and physical health in class a few times.”


2.“Not really, no. I remember having one or two health classes in school, but I didn’t take away much from them. I mostly just remember trying to stay awake in class and hoping the teacher wouldn’t call on me.”





If you catch a cold, what do you do to feel better?


1.” If I’m feeling under the weather, I like to take it easy and get plenty of rest. I also always try to drink lots of fluids to help keep my body hydrated, and, as well as that,I might take a few over the counter medications like ibuprofen or paracetamol to help manage my symptoms.”


“I always try to make sure I’m getting enough vitamin C and zinc in my diet, as they can help to boost my immune system and help me recover faster. As well as that, I like to have some warm drinks like herbal tea or chicken soup to help soothe my throat and clear my stuffy nose.





What kind of food do you think is bad for your health?

ielts speaking part 1 health topic

“I guess, fried foods, processed meats, sugary snacks, and sugary drinks are all bad for your health. Personally, I try to avoid them as much as possible because I know they’re not good for my body.”


“I think the worst kinds of foods for your health must be fried foods, and sugary snacks. I try to stay away from them as much as possible, but sometimes I can’t resist the temptation.”








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