IELTS speaking part 1 Memory

IELTS speaking part 1
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IELTS speaking part 1 Memory






Are you good at remembering things?



memory“Yes, I have a pretty strong memory and can recall most things easily. However, like anyone, I sometimes forget things, but overall, I would say I’m quite  good at remembering things.”


“No, actually,I’m not particularly good at remembering things, and I often struggle to retain information .I usually have to rely on reminders or notes to jog my memory. My forgetfulness can be frustrating at times, but I am constantly working to improve my memory skills.”






Have you ever forgotten anything important?



“Yes, I’ve forgotten important things in the past. Sometimes it’s just a small detail like a phone number, but other times it can be more significant like submitting an assignment before a deadline. However, I have learned from these experiences and now make a conscious effort to write things down and stay organised.”


“ No, to be honest I don’t think I have. My memory is quite sharp and has served me well over the years., andI make sure to keep important things on my mind to avoid forgetting anything crucial.”






Do you ever write things down to help you remember?



ielts speaking memory“Actually,yes, I definitely write things down all the time. My memory is not the best, and I don’t want to risk forgetting important things. As well as that, it feels good to cross things off a to-do list”


“Honestly, I rarely write things down to remember them. It’s just not my thing, and I usually rely on my memory, but sometimes important things do slip through the cracks. So yeah, I guess I should probably take more notes, but it’s just not a habit I’ve gotten into.”






What kinds of things are easy to forget?



“Oh wow! There are so many things that are easy to forget. Like my keys, my phone charger, that important deadline, and even birthdays, the list goes on. And let’s not even mention the names of people I just met! It’s like my brain is a sieve sometimes.”






Are you good at memorising things?



“Yeah, I think I have a pretty good memory. Like, I can remember random lyrics from songs I haven’t heard in years or details from a conversation that happened forever ago. Mind you, sometimes I can’t even remember where I put my keys five minutes ago!”


“To be honest, I suck at memorising things, and have a terrible memory. I wish I had a photographic memory or something, but it seems I’m stuck with this sieve of a brain.”







How do you remember things?



ielts part 1 memory“Actually, I’m not the best at memorising things, and my phone is an absolute lifesaver, which I use all the time to remind me of all the important dates and facts. I use a few apps, which send me a notification to remind of anything important coming up. I would be totally lost without it, as I have a memory like a sieve.”










  • Idioms


The idiom “to have a memory like a sieve” means to have a poor or weak memory, where information seems to slip out easily. 


Example: Sarah has a memory like a sieve, she can’t even remember her own phone number.


The idiom “to jog one’s memory” means to try to remember something, often by mentally retracing one‘s steps or thought process.

Example: He couldn’t recall where he had placed the car keys, so he jogged his memory by thinking about what he did when he first got home.


Example sentence: When I showed my grandmother the old family photos, it jogged her memory and she started telling me stories from her youth.









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