IELTS speaking part 1 goals and ambitions

ielts speaking part 1 goals and ambitions
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IELTS speaking part 1 goals and ambitions







10 idioms for talking about goals and ambitions



  1. Reach for the stars: To strive for the highest goals and ambitions. Example: “I’m going to reach for the stars and see what I can achieve!”


  1. Take the bull by the horns: To take control of a difficult situation. Example: “If no one else is going to do it, I’m going to take the bull by the horns and get it done.”


  1. Work your way up: To gradually progress to higher levels of achievement. Example: “I started at the bottom, but eventually worked my way up to the top.”


  1. Aim high: To have lofty goals and ambitions. Example: “My aim is to be the best, so I’m aiming high.”


  1. Climb the ladder: To gradually progress to higher levels of achievement. Example: “She’s been steadily climbing the corporate ladder for years now.”


  1. Put your best foot forward: To make a strong effort towards a goal. Example: “I’m going to put my best foot forward and see what I can accomplish.”


  1. Go the extra mile: To work harder than necessary. Example: “If you want to be successful, you have to go the extra mile.”


  1. Set your sights high: To have ambitious goals. Example: “I’m setting my sights high and aiming for the top.”


  1. Take the plunge: To take a risk in pursuit of a goal. Example: “He decided to take the plunge and start his own business.”


  1. Keep pushing: To continue striving for a goal. Example: “No matter what obstacles I face, I’m going to keep pushing until I reach my goal.”








IELTS speaking part 1 – Goals and ambitions questions





  • Are you an ambitious person?

“Yeah, I’m a pretty ambitious person! I always work hard and strive to reach my goals, no matter how big or small. It’s an amazing feeling when I achieve something I’ve been working hard for.”


Yes! Absolutely, I’m highly motivated and passionate about achieving my goals. I’m an ambitious person and I love pushing myself to reach my full potential.”


“No, to be honest, I’m not super ambitious, and I’m content with where I’m at in life and just taking it day-by-day.”






  •  What was your childhood dream?


ielts speaking goals and ambitions“As a kid, I always wanted to travel the world and explore all the different cultures. The idea of it always excited me and made me feel like there was a whole world out there for me to explore.”


“As a child, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher so that I could help others learn and grow.  I was inspired by my own teachers, and really wanted to make a difference in the world.”






“Growing up, I always dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player. I remember, I used to worship some of the stars in the NBA, and wanted to be just like them. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the natural talent to make that happen, but I do still love to play basketball for fun.”


“My childhood dream was to become a scientist and discover something big that would help humanity. I really wanted to make a difference in the world.”





  •  What is your dream for the future?


“My dream for the future is to go to college, get a great job, and be able to travel the world with my family. I’d like to make a positive impact on the world and inspire those around me.”


“My dream for the future is to go to college, get a great job, travel the world, make a difference, live happily, and enjoy life to the fullest!”


“My dream is to continue my education, travel the world, make a positive impact on society, and live a life full of adventure, love and happiness.”






  •  Do you have a dream job?


“Yes, my dream job is to be an architect, so I can help design and create amazing buildings and places to explore.”


“My dream job is to be a teacher, helping and inspiring young minds to reach their full potential. I can’t wait to start my journey!”


“Yes, my dream job is to own and run my own business. I want to work hard and be successful in something that I’m passionate about.”


“My dream job is to become a successful businessman. I’m determined to make it happen and I’m excited to see what the future holds!”


“I don’t have a dream job per se, but I’m looking forward to exploring different career paths to find something that I’m passionate about.”


“Yes, I do have a dream job. I want to be a video game tester and make sure all the games are fun and working properly. It would be awesome to play video games for a living!”


“Yes, I do have a dream job. I’d love to work in the video game industry, creating amazing games that people love to play. I’d also love to travel around the world, exploring different cultures. It would be an amazing opportunity!”






  •  What are your short term goals?


goals and ambitions“My short-term goals are to keep up with all of my classes, make some new friends, maybe join a few clubs, and try to get some good grades in my end of term exams!”



“My short-term goals are to continue my studies and get a degree in engineering. As well as that, I would also like to join a few extracurricular activities and meet some new people.”







“My short-term goal is to ace my upcoming exams so I can raise my GPA and gain acceptance to a prestigious university. I’m also aiming to improve my time management skills and increase my productivity.”






  •  Did you have a career guidance class when you were in high school?


“No, I didn’t have a career guidance class back in high school. To be honest, I didn’t really think much about my career path until I started university and had more exposure to different areas of study and job opportunities. “


“Yeah, I had a career guidance class in my last year of high school, and it was actually pretty helpful, as well as being very useful in helping me figure out what I wanted to do with my future.”








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