Describe your favourite clothes

describe your favourite clothes
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Describe you favourite clothes – IELTS speaking part 2







Describe your favourite item of clothing

You should say:


  • What it is
  • Who gave it to you/where you bought it
  • When you were it

And explain why you like it/how you feel when wearing it






describe your favourite item of clothing“My favourite item of clothing would have to be my leather jacket, which  I got from my mother as a gift for my eighteenth birthday.


 It’s a classic black leather biker jacket with a front zipper, two pockets and a belt. The leather is soft and smooth and the cut is perfect for me. It’s a timeless piece that I can wear in any season. 


I usually wear the jacket when I’m going out for a night on the town or when I’m heading out on a road trip. It really is the perfect accessory for a night out and I get lots of compliments when I wear it, which is always a great confidence booster. As well as that, It’s also a great conversation starter and I feel really cool when I’m wearing it. 


I really love this jacket because it makes me feel like a badass, and I feel confident and empowered when I’m wearing it.


On top of that, I’m always reminded of the strong bond I have with my mother, and  It’s a great reminder of her love and support. I’ll cherish this jacket for many years to come.


Thank you.”





  • Idioms


A classic is an enduring work of art that is considered to be of the highest quality and has stood the test of time. For example, “The Great Gatsby” is a classic novel that has been widely read and studied for decades.


A timeless piece is an item, typically of clothing, that never goes out of style and is always fashionable. Example: My grandmother always told me to invest in timeless pieces, like a classic little black dress, that will never go out of fashion.


The idiom a night on the town means an evening spent going out to enjoy oneself, typically by going to bars, clubs, restaurants, or other fun activities. For example: We decided to have a night on the town to celebrate our anniversary.


A road trip is an idiom meaning a journey taken by a group of people in a car or other vehicle, typically for pleasure or leisure. For example: My friends and I are planning a road trip to the beach this summer.


A confidence booster is an activity, phrase, or event that gives someone an emotional boost of confidence. For example, “Winning the spelling bee was a great confidence booster for me.”


The idiom “a badass” refers to someone who is tough, confident, and unafraid of taking risks. For example: “My boss is such a badass, she always takes on the most challenging projects.”








Describe you favourite clothes – IELTS speaking part 3






Do you people and older people usually dress the same in your country?


“No, generally speaking,young people don’t dress the same as older people in _______. Normally, young people tend to wear more casual and trendier clothes, while older people usually prefer more classic and conservative styles. 


For example, many youngsters today like to wear ripped jeans with sneakers and a graphic t-shirt, while older people would usually be spotted in dress pants and a button-down shirt. 


Personally, I love the variety of styles that both young and older people bring to the fashion scene in my country.”





What kind of clothes do most people like to wear after work?


“I guess most people like to dress pretty casually after work. T-shirts, sandals, and shorts are always popular wardrobe staples with both young and old alike, especially in the hot summers. 


As well as that, sweaters and hoodies are also great for when it’s a bit chilly outside. I personally love the comfort that comes with throwing on a pair of jeans and a comfy t-shirt. It’s a great way to relax after a busy day.”





Why do you think that many businesses have their staff wear a uniform?


describe your favourite clothes part 2“I think that wearing a uniform is important for many companies for a number of reasons. For a start, it helps to promote the company’s brand, as well as creating a sense of unity among  the staff. 


On top of that, a smart uniform can make the employees look more professional. 


What’s more, It also makes it easier for customers to identify employees, which is important for customer service. Ultimately, I think that uniforms are beneficial for both employees and customers.”





Do you think that a person’s personality affects their dress sense?


“Absolutely, I believe that personality can have a huge impact on the way we dress. Some people dress to express their individuality, while others might want to fit in with a certain group.


 People who are more outgoing might prefer to wear bolder or brighter clothes than someone who is shy. 


As well as that,It could also be that someone wants to make a statement with their clothing. For example, a person who is passionate about environmental issues might dress in sustainable fashion.


Personally, I think that dress sense is an expression of how a person feels and who they are.”





What are some differences between buying clothes online and buying them in a high street store?


“I think that buying clothes online and buying them in a high street store are two very different experiences. 


When you buy clothes online, you don’t get to physically see or try on the item before you buy it, so you don’t know if it will fit you correctly or look good.


 On the other hand, when you shop in a store, you can see the garments up close and try them on. 


As well as that,you can also get a feel for the quality of the fabrics. Personally, I prefer to shop in stores, as it helps me make sure I get the perfect fit and that I’m buying something I love.”










More links to part 2 and part 3 topics with example answers




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Describe someone you know who recently moved to a new place


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