Describe an important decision you made

describe an important decision you made
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Describe an important decision you made






Describe an important decision you made

You should say:


  • What it was
  • When you had to make it
  • How you made it

And explain how you felt about it





Example 1


an important decision you made“Making the decision to choose a university major was a huge moment for me, as well as being an extremely important and difficult decision to make. It was the beginning of my journey to adulthood and a career, soI was really under pressure to make the right choice, and the stakes were high.


I found myself weighing up my options and feeling totally overwhelmed. It was a really tough decision to make, and I was really anxious about it. I had so many questions and doubts in my head.


I had to take some time to really think things through and get to the bottom of what mattered to me. I spent a lot of time researching the different majors as well as  talking to my family and friends to  get their opinions. As well as that,I also consulted a careers advisor in my high school who helped me to narrow my choices down to two.


In the end, it was my gut feeling that made the decision for me. I chose the major that I felt most passionate about, and It was a huge relief when I finally made the call. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, and I knew that I had made the right choice.


It was a big moment for me, and I’m glad I was able to make a decision that I’m happy with, and now I’m on the right path and looking forward to the future.


Thank you.”



  • Idioms


The idiom “high stakes” refers to a situation where there are potential serious consequences or risks involved. For example, “Choosing a college major is a high stakes decision that will have an impact on your future.”


To weigh up one’s options means to consider all the possibilities before making a decision. For example, “Before making a purchase, I weighed up all my options to make sure I got the best deal.”


To think things through means to carefully consider all aspects of a decision before making it. For example, “I took some time to think things through before deciding which college to apply to.”


To get to the bottom of something means to investigate and find out the truth about something. Example: We need to get to the bottom of the problem before we can find a solution.


A gut feeling is an instinct or intuition that something is right or wrong. For example, “I had a gut feeling that the job wasn’t right for me, so I decided to look for something else.”





Example 2


describe an important decision you had to make“Making the decision to change jobs was one of the most important and difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make. It was a few months ago, and I was feeling incredibly stuck in my current role. I was feeling unfulfilled and unchallenged, and I knew I needed something new.


I thought long and hard about the decision, weighing the pros and cons of making a move. I talked it over with my family and friends, and they were really supportive of me. As well as that, I also did some research online and read lot’s of articles about other people’s experiences.


Eventually, I decided to take the plunge and put my resume out there. I was scared, but I knew it was the right thing to do, and I felt like I was taking a huge risk, but the thought of a new opportunity was exciting and I knew it was something I had to do.


I feel like I made the right decision, as I’m now in a job I love and I’m feeling much more fulfilled than I did before. Making the choice to move on was scary, but it was worth it in the end. The thought of a new challenge was daunting, but it was something I knew I had to do.”




  • Idioms


To weigh the pros and cons means to look at a situation from all angles and consider the positive and negative aspects before making a decision. For example:” Before signing the contract, we need to weigh the pros and cons to ensure it is the right decision for our business.”


To take the plunge means to make a bold decision and take a risk. Example: “After months of deliberation, she finally decided to take the plunge and start her own business.”


To put something out there means to express an idea, opinion, or suggestion. Example: I’m just putting it out there, but I think we should go to the beach this weekend.











Describe an important decision you made – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think that children often have to make decisions?


“Yes, I think children have to make decisions all the time! For example, younger kids might decide which toy to play with or what food to eat, while older kids might decide which extra-curricular activities to join or which classes to take.


 I believe that learning to make decisions teaches children responsibility and as well as that,helps them gain confidence. I think it’s very important for children to learn to make their own decisions, even if they make mistakes along the way.”





What important decisions do teenagers have to make?


an important decision you have made“I guess teens today have to make lots of decisions, some big and some small. For example, deciding what school or college to go to is normally a very important decision to be made, that will possibly affect the rest of their lives.


As well as that, they need to think of what activities to involve themselves in, and even who to hang out with. Another decision many young people make is to decide if they should get a part-time job, and if so, how to effectively manage their time. 


On top of that,they have to decide on how to spend their free time and how to stay safe. Personally, I think that teenagers should think carefully before making any important decisions as they can have a big impact on their future.”





Do you think it’s best to make a decision by yourself or to involve others?


“I personally think that it is best to involve others when making a decision, especially if it’s something important that may have a long term effect on your life. 


Getting perspectives from others can help you to make more informed decisions, and can also help you to avoid making mistakes.


 For example, if you’re deciding on a future career, it would be helpful to get advice from a trusted family member or friend who is experienced in this line of work. So, I think that In the end, having multiple perspectives can give you more confidence in the decisions that you make.”





How do people usually make an important decision?


“Well, I guess it might depend on the person, but I think generally speaking, people usually make important decisions by weighing the pros and cons of each option.


 For example, when buying a car, one might consider the cost, reliability, and features offered. 


As well as that, a lot of people will often seek advice from friends and family, on top of doing some  research before making a decision.


I really think that taking time to think over all the options is extremely important. In the end, it’s really about listening to your gut and going with what you feel is right for you.”





Do you think that teenagers are capable of making decisions on their own?


“Well, personally, I think it depends on the importance of the decision to be made. Generally speaking, I believe that  teens can be capable of making a lot of decisions on their own. 


For example, they can make everyday decisions about what classes they should take in school, and what clubs or activities to join. 


On the other hand, they may be too young to make decisions about more important topics such as investing money, buying a car, or getting married.


 In my opinion,I think teens should be allowed to make some decisions for themselves, but should also be guided by more experienced individuals such as parents or teachers when it comes to more important topics.”





What qualities does a good leader need when making decisions?


important decision you made“Wow, that’s a difficult question, but I guess a good leader needs to have a few important qualities when making decisions. 


I think they should be able to look at a situation objectively and weigh up the pros and cons of each option. As well as that they should also be able to communicate their decisions effectively, be open to feedback, and remain calm and collected under pressure.


What’s more they should also be able to take responsibility for their decisions and be accountable for their actions.


 Finally, I think they should be able to make decisions with confidence, while being mindful of the potential consequences.”





Do you think that advertisements often influence peoples decisions when shopping?

“Yeah, I think advertisements definitely do influence people’s decisions when they go shopping. Companies are constantly coming up with new ways to market their products, like TV ads, billboards, or influencers sharing them on social media.

There’s no doubt that seeing an ad for something you may not have heard of before will make someone more likely to give it a try. It may even lead them to buy something they may not have originally intended to.

So, when it comes to shopping, it’s definitely good to do your research and make sure you’re getting the best value for your money but advertisements definitely do play a role.”





More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 topics with example answers



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