Describe a time you made a complaint and got a positive result

Describe a time you made a complaint
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Describe a time you made a complaint and got a positive result




Describe a time you made a complaint and got a positive result


You should say

  • When it was
  • What was it about
  • Who you complained to

And explain how you felt about it



describe a time you made a complaintI remember this one time I made a complaint about a faulty product, and I actually got a positive result. It was a real shocker, to be honest.


 I had bought this fancy new blender that was supposed to be top-of-the-line, but as soon as I started using it, I noticed it wasn’t working properly. It was making this weird grinding noise and leaving chunks of whatever I was blending. I was so frustrated, because I had spent a lot of money on it and it was supposed to be a high-quality product.


 So, I decided to make a complaint to the company. I wasn’t expecting much, to be honest. I had heard horror stories about how difficult it is to get any kind of customer service these days. But to my surprise, they actually responded promptly and were very helpful. They asked me to send the blender back to them, and within a week, they had sent me a brand new one, no questions asked. I was over the moon! 


It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I have to say, I was really impressed with how they handled the situation. It made me feel like they actually cared about their customers and wanted to make things right. It’s rare to find companies that are willing to go the extra mile like that.


 In short, it was a real relief to have my complaint heard and resolved in such a positive way. It’s good to know that there are still companies out there that value their customers and are willing to make things right.







“Top of the line” is an idiom that means the highest or most advanced level of something. It is commonly used to describe products that are of superior quality, performance, and features in a particular category.

For example, if someone says, “This car is top of the line,” it means that the car is the highest level of quality and performance. Similarly, if someone says, “This computer is top of the line,” it means that the computer is the most advanced and high-end in terms of its specifications, such as processing power, memory, and graphics capabilities.


“A real shocker” is an idiom that refers to something that is surprising, unexpected, or shocking. It is often used to describe news or information that is highly unusual or goes against people’s expectations.

For example, if someone says, “The announcement of their divorce was a real shocker,” it means that the news of their divorce came as a complete surprise and was not anticipated by anyone.


“A weight has been lifted off my shoulders” is an idiom that means a feeling of relief after a stressful or burdensome situation has been resolved or removed. It describes the feeling of suddenly feeling lighter or less weighed down by a problem or worry.

For example, if someone says, “After I finished my final exams, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders,” it means that they felt a sense of relief and freedom after the stress and pressure of studying and taking exams had been lifted.


“To go the extra mile” is an idiom that means to make an extra effort, beyond what is expected or required, to achieve a goal or complete a task. It implies a willingness to do more than what is necessary or to go above and beyond what is typically expected.

For example, if someone says, “The customer service representative really went the extra mile to resolve my issue,” it means that the representative did more than was required or expected to help solve the customer’s problem, perhaps by following up several times or providing additional assistance.





Describe a time you made a complaint and got a positive result – Part 3.



What are some common things that people in your country often complain about?


describe a time you made a complaint about somethingPeople often complain about a variety of things. From their jobs to their relationships,and it really seems like there’s always something to grumble about. From being overworked and underpaid to being taken for granted, people often feel like they’re not getting their due. 


 Folks gripe about not having enough time in the day, or not getting enough sleep, as well as not having enough money. What’s more, people also complain about their health and their looks, feeling like they don’t measure up. 


Furthermore, when it comes to technology, it seems like everyone has something to say about their slow internet or their slow computer. All in all, it seems like these days, there’s no shortage of gripes and grumbles from people of all ages!




Do you think that young people like to complain more or less than older people?


I think it depends on the person, really. Some young people might complain more than others, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that young people complain more than older people.


 Everyone, regardless of age, likes to vent and let off a little steam from time to time. Some older people might be more vocal about it, but that doesn’t mean that young people are any less likely to complain.


 We all like to get something off our chest every now and again and, to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s just part of being human. If there’s something we don’t like, it’s natural to speak up and “let the cat out of the bag”. So, in short, I don’t think there’s a definite answer to this question.


To let off a little steam: To let off a little steam is an expression that means to do something to relieve stress or anger. It can be something physical, like going for a jog or lifting weights, or something more passive like spending time with friends or listening to music.




Do you think that good customer service is important?


Absolutely! Good customer service is key to any successful business. It makes the customer feel valued and respected, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. 


As well as that, when customers have a good experience, they’re more likely to tell their friends and family, which can help your business grow. If businesses don’t provide a good customer service experience, customers won’t hesitate to take their business elsewhere. I really believe that it’s essential that businesses invest in customer service and make sure their staff are trained to handle customer queries and complaints in a timely and professional manner. If they do, customers would be more likely to leave feeling satisfied and would be more likely to return.





Do you think that it’s a good idea to encourage children to complain?


describe a complaint Absolutely! I believe that encouraging kids to complain can be beneficial in many ways. It can help them to build a sense of confidence and self-esteem, as it gives them a platform to express their concerns and be heard.As well as that, It can also help them to become problem solvers, as they learn how to identify issues and come up with potential solutions. 


What’s more,If they’re taught to complain in a constructive manner, it can also help to foster better relationships with peers and adults. It can be a great way to teach them how to navigate difficult or uncomfortable conversations. For instance, If they’re feeling overwhelmed, they’ll know that they have an outlet to express their feelings and be listened to. On top of that,It’s also important to be mindful of how you respond when they do complain, as this will set the tone for how they approach such situations in the future.



More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers.



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