Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

Describe a photo that makes you smile
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Describe a photo that makes you feel happy







Describe a photo that makes you feel happy


You should say:

  • When and where it was taken
  • What’s in the photo
  • Where you keep it

And explain why it makes you feel happy






Example 1


describe a photo that makes you smile“A photo that always makes me feel happy is one which was taken at my graduation ceremony about two years ago. It was taken in front of my old  college and shows me holding up my diploma proudly, with a huge grin on my face. In the photo,I’m surrounded by my family and friends, many of whom also have their arms raised in victory. Everyone is beaming with pride and happiness for me, which is really touching.


You can see the sun shining brightly, with lots of beautiful trees and flowers in the background. I’m wearing a bright yellow dress that I had made especially for the occasion. I felt so lucky and blessed that all these people were there to celebrate this milestone in my life with me.


I keep this photo displayed prominently in my living room on a side table so that I can glance at it every day and keep the memory of that wonderful day alive. Every time I look at it a wave of joy washes over me and it makes me feel so proud and positive about my accomplishments. I’m also reminded of all the people who supported me throughout the journey and who shared in my joy that day.


It never fails to bring a smile to my face and to my heart, making me feel grateful


Thank you.”








Example 2:


A photo that makes you happy“ A photo that comes to mind is a lovely pic of my family, taken at a beach during my summer holidays about ten years ago. It shows my father, mother, younger brother and myself smiling and having a great time. The sun is shining and the waves are crashing in the background. It is such a beautiful, picturesque scene that it makes me smile everytime time I look at it. 


We are all wearing beach clothes, shorts and t-shirts, and are all so happy and relaxed. My father has his arm around my mother, who looks more beautiful than ever. My brother and I are standing close together, laughing and playing in the sand. 


The photo brings back so many wonderful memories of our vacation, the walks and picnics we had, the conversations we had sitting around the campfire, and the great times we all had playing together. Every time I look at the photo I feel transported back to the beach, and feel the warmth of the sun and the smell of the sea. 


I keep this photo in my bedroom where I can see it every day. It fills me with so much joy and peace, and reminds me of how much I love my family. Whenever I feel down, I look at the photo and it cheers me right up. It makes me feel that no matter how much time passes, our bond will always remain. This photo is truly one of my most precious possessions, and it makes me feel so happy!


Thank you.”







Describe a photo that makes you feel happy – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think that people tend to take too many photos these days?


a photo that makes you happy“Yes, certainly. In my opinion, I believe that people are excessively relying on photos to remember things and precious moments. 


With all the photo editing capabilities and social media apps that are available, it’s almost impossible to resist the urge to capture and post every single moment. 

However, this can sometimes come at the cost of living in the moment and actually experiencing a situation first-hand.”







Has technology changed the way we take photos?


“Yes, absolutely. Technology has most definitely changed the way we take photos. For example, with digital cameras and smartphones, it’s now much easier to take and store lots of pictures.


 As well as that, with all the different apps and filters, anybody can create and customise their pictures like never before.


 What’s more, social media platforms have opened up many new possibilities for editing, sharing and displaying your photos. All in all, I’d say that technology has revolutionised how we capture memories.”






Why do you think that so many people enjoy taking photos?


“Personally, I think that many people love taking photos as it allows them to capture  all those memorable and meaningful moments that will last a lifetime. 


On top of that, It also allows them to express creative ideas by making use of the wide range of photo editing software available.


 As well as that, sharing photos on social media platforms has become a way for people to boast about their achievements and build a sense of belonging to a certain community or group.”







Why do you think that some people don’t enjoy having their photo taken?


a happy photo“I guess lots of people don’t like having their photo taken as it can make them feel awkward and self-conscious. Maybe they don’t think they look their best, or they feel uncomfortable being the centre of attention.


What’s more they might also worry about how the photo will be used afterwards, and if it’s going to be shared on social media, for example. 


As well as that, I think, for some, it can be quite a personal thing, and they just don’t want to be the focus of all that attention. Personally, I feel it depends on the situation.”






Why do you think that so many people like to post their photos on social media?


“I believe that people love to post their photos on social media for a couple of reasons. Firstly,It allows them to express themselves in an environment where their friends and family can easily appreciate and admire their content. 


On top of that, photos are a great way for people to compare themselves to others, enabling them to obtain a sense of validation.


What’s more, many people love to receive some positive feedback or likes, which encourages them to post even more and gain recognition. 


Ultimately, I guess that social media platforms provide an avenue for self-expression, making it an enjoyable experience for many.”







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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