IELTS speaking part 2 example answer

IELTS speaking Part 2 answer
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Part 2 example answer.


Today is International Women’s Day. What better way to celebrate it than by describing one of the many admirable women around the world? Usually i don’t like to use example answers, especially for part 2, as your part 2 topic talk should be yours and certainly not prepared or recited, as that would lower your band score. However I want to show you how it”s a good idea to make sure you are on topic by paying attention to any key words on the topic card.


There is almost always a part 2 topic card asking you to describe a person you admire. It might be a business person, a sports person, a family member or a famous person. Today Im going to look at a famous person, and of course a woman, to celebrate woman’s day.



Describe a famous woman you admire


You should say;

Who this woman is

How you first knew of this woman

What she has done in her life

And explain why you admire her





part 2 example answer

‘A famous woman I really admire would have to be Angelina Jolie, who is not just a very famous and kick ass Hollywood actress, but is also I believe an incredible human being.


I guess I first learned who Angelina Jolie was through watching one of her movies years ago. I think it could have been tomb raider, where she played the well known video game action hero, Laura Croft, which made her a household name. Back then I guess, I just recognized her for her beauty and acting talent. It wasn’t until a few years later when I learned that there was so much more behind those famous bee-stung lips and Hollywood glamour. 


As a person she really has done so much in her life, and certainly not just in her acting career. She is not only one of the most famous Hollywood stars alive today, but she has also been responsible for helping millions of people in need. She has spent years traveling around the world to help people who are struggling to just survive in their normal life, which is something I admire so much.


Unlike  many other famous Hollywood stars who are more interested in throwing their money around and only thinking of their own selfish needs, Angelina Jolie has given up so much of her time, and made actual sacrifices to help people in need which is something I think we should all admire about her.


She has even earned a Humanitarian Award, and became a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF which has to be one of the most admirable feats any human being can achieve in a lifetime. 


Another thing I  admire so much about her is how she has actually adopted some of the Children in need she helped around the world, and not only gave them the warm family life they dreamed of, but a bright future and inspiration for all. This I believe shows us all how genuine and caring she truly is, and certainly not just another movie star looking for some good publicity.


I should also mention that for someone so famous and rich to stay so humble is not just something i admire about her, but on top of that she is also a person i look up to, and believe should be a great example, and  role model to every young person today.


Thank you.”










Pay attention to how as i talk i am concentrating on that key word in the topic, admire. I am not describing just a famous person i like, or think is beautiful, but i’m describing a person i really admire, which is exactly what the topic card is asking me to do. I have noticed over the years how many IELTS students prepare a topic to describe a famous person, but don’t think of or even notice that key word on the card.

This will also help show the examiner that you are not just reciting a topic you prepared in advance (the examiner must lower your score if they think you have) but, it will also leave the examiner in no doubt that you are 100% on topic. SO, when you are looking at and practicing speaking part 2 topic cards in your preparation, try to take note of those key words, and also remember that the actual topic card the examiner hands you on the day of your IELTS speaking exam could be worded differently than you expected.


All the topic cards you see on the different IELTS websites, including this website, are of course not the official cards that the examiner uses on the day.


  • Describe a famous person you admire
  • Describe a famous person you are interested in
  • Describe a famous person you think is successful
  • Describe a famous person you would like to meet


All of the above are asking you to describe a famous person, but you must be careful to concentrate on and use that key word as you speak. I would recommend trying to use the key word about 5 or 6 times, which will really keep you on topic. Remember that the key word will always be in the last question on the topic card.


  • Explain why you admire this person
  • Explain why you are interested in this person
  • Explain why you think this person is successful
  • Explain why you would like to meet this person



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