IELTS Speaking Part 1 Talents

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 Talents 






Useful idioms for talking about talent





  • A natural


To be able to do something very easily, and very well without having to spend much time learning how to do it.


“He’s a natural at playing guitar, and was able to pick it up in just a few weeks.”



  • To be gifted


To have a great natural talent or ability in something


She is a very gifted student and has won a scholarship to Harvard.”


“Messi and Ronaldo are probably two of the most gifted footballers of all time.”



  • A whiz


A person who has a high level of skill or knowledge in a certain area.


“Anytime I have a problem with my computer, I ask my brother for some help, as he’s a real whiz with computers.”



  • In a class of one’s own


To have more of, or a higher level of skill than others. 


“My mother is in a class of her own, when it comes to her cooking skills. I really think there is  nobody better than her.”







IELTS Part 1 – Talents – Questions




Do you have any talents or something you are good at?


ielts speaking part 1 talents “Yes, I think I have a natural talent in drawing, and it’s something I’ve enjoyed since I was a young child. “

  •  “I don’t think I’m particularly gifted in anything, but I do love to play sports, especially football. However, I wouldn’t say that I have a natural talent for it.”

  •  “Yes, I was always quite gifted in maths, or anything to do with numbers, and I’m a real whiz when it comes to solving maths problems.”


  •  “Yes, I’m a bit of a computer whiz, and think I was actually born to play computer games. I’ve even taken part in , and won some online gaming tournaments.”



  •  “I’m not sure if I have any real natural talent, but I do enjoy playing guitar, and it’s something I keep practising, and working on, even though I’m  not a natural born musician.”








Did you master this talent recently or when you were young?


  •  “I developed a talent for drawing when I was very young, and can remember my parents and teachers giving me a lot of encouragement, which I guess inspired me even more.”

  •  “Actually I only took up cooking recently, as it’s something I wanted to learn before going away to college. Having said that, I’ve picked it up very quickly, and it seems I may have a natural talent for it.”










Does anyone in your family have the same talent?


ielts part 1 talent “Yes, as a cook, my mother is in a class of her own, and I really hope that someday, I can say that I’m as good and talented at cooking as she is.”



  •  “Well, my father is an accountant, so I guess he passed on his talent with numbers to me, and that would explain why I’m such a whiz at maths.”




  •  “No,I don’t think so…. I guess I’m the first person in my family to have any interest in computers or computer games, and most of my family are actually into sports.”









Do you think your talent could be useful for your work in the future?


  •  “Yes, certainly…. As I said I’m good with numbers and maths, and actually plan on studying accounting in the future…so, yes, I think it would be extremely useful.”


  •  “Well, I’ve often thought it would be nice to open my own restaurant sometime in the future, so having a talent in cooking would of course be very useful.”



  •  “I guess having a talent in playing computer games might not be so useful in my future work, but of course I do have other computer skills which would certainly be useful in my future career.”








Do you think people are born with natural talents?


  •  “Yes, I believe that everyone is born to be good at something, although it might take them time, as well as some encouragement to discover exactly what their talent is.”



  •  “I think some people are born to be good at certain things, while others maybe have to work hard at it, and develop their talent.”




Are there certain skills that require talent?


ielts speaking talents“Yes, I think certain skills do actually require a natural talent, especially entertainment skills, such as singing or dancing. I often wish I had these kinds of talents, but as hard as I try I’m really not a good singer.”














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