IELTS speaking part 1 sports

ielts speaking part 1 sports
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IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sports


 The examiner primarily tests you for two things in Part 1: 1 ) everyday vocabulary and 2)  basic grammar.

Remember it’s very important to speak naturally, rather than giving the examiner a long list of memorised answers, which not only does the examiner not enjoy hearing, but will also result in a lower score. Of course, you should prepare a large number of keywords for the various topics, but you should avoid memorising everything after that.






IELTS speaking part 1 sports – questions




Do you enjoy playing any sports?


ielts speaking part 1 sports “Yes, I love to play sports, and enjoy playing football at least two or three times a week with my friends in the local park.”



 “To be honest, I’m not really into sports, but I do like to go swimming now and again, especially during the summer.












Do you like watching sports?


  •  “Yes, I’m a huge football fan, and always look forward to watching my team play every weekend, and often get together with some friends for any big games.”

  • “Yes, sometimes if I’m at home, and there is some big sporting event on the TV I will watch it, especially if it’s the national team playing.”



  •  “To be honest, I’m really not into sports, and if some sports event is on the TV, I will actually switch channels. I do however enjoy watching computer game tournaments, if that counts.”







Did you play sports as a child?


part 1 sports “Yes, I certainly did….. I used to play football every day after school with my friends in the local park, or the school playground. I remember we also had PE class once or twice a week, which I always enjoyed.”




 “As far as i can remember, no, I was never really into sports, and always had my nose stuck in a book, and had no interest in any outdoor activities.”











How often do you play sports? / How often do you play it?


  •  “I usually play football at least three or four times a week, and sometimes even more. There’s a great park very close to my home, and there’s always someone up for a game.”



  •  “During the summer months, I usually go swimming every day, as there is a big pool in my apartment complex. However, in the winter or rainy season, I guess I can be a little lazy, and usually just stay at home playing computer games.”







Do you think it’s important for children to play sports?


  •  “Yeah, I think it’s extremely important for children to get as much exercise as possible, and too many kids today spend most of their time playing computer or mobile phone games instead of playing some sports.”

  •  “Yes, I do….. After sitting in a  classroom all day, it’s very  important for the kids to get outside for some form of physical activity, and should always be encouraged.”






What kinds of sports are popular in your country?


  •  “There’s many different kinds of sports popular in Vietnam today, but I guess football would be the most popular by far. Other sports such as swimming, cycling and different forms of martial arts have become more popular in recent years.”





Would you like to take up any sport in the future?


ielts speaking sports “Yes, I love the water, so I’d love to learn to swim, as it’s also a great form of exercise, and there is a public swimming pool close to my home.”



 “Well, Vietnam has lots of really great beaches, so i’d love to try some exciting sports, such as surfing or scuba diving.”










more links for part 1 questions and answers


How to talk about your studies -IELTS part 1

Your hometown – questions and answers

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IELTS part 1 reading

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