Describing people in part 2 topics

Describing people in part 2
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IELTS part 2 topics

Describing people in IELTS speaking part 2 – with example answers and audio



There are always a number of part 2 topics asking you to describe people, so it goes without saying that these are topics that require practice.  Always watch out for that keyword (bold text) in the topic title and final question and try to use it 5 to 6 times to really stay on topic. Remember you’re not just being asked to describe a famous person, but a famous person you admire, are interested etc. By using these keywords, it also often makes a part 2 talk sound less prepared or less like reciting, which of course is a good thing. 


  • Describe a foreign person you know of who you think is interesting.


  • Describe a creative person whose work you admire.


  • Describe a famous athlete you know of.


  • Describe a business person you admire.


  • Describe a person you know who solved a problem in a smart way.


  • Describe a person who impressed you when you were in primary school.


  • Describe a famous person that you are interested in.


  • Describe a person that you met once and want to know more about.


  • Describe a person that you follow on social media.


  • Describe a person who you think contributes to society.


  • Describe someone you really like to spend time with.




Describe a creative person whose work you admire.

You should say:

  • Who the person is.
  • How you know of this person.
  • What creative things have they done.

And explain how you think this person is creative?







describing people in part 2 topics“A creative person I really admire would have to be JK Rowling, who is of course best known for being the author and creator of the Harry Potter series of books, of which I think there are 7. 


I first heard of JK Rowling back in the early 2000’s when the Harry Potter series became a huge hit worldwide. I remember reading some articles about this young woman from the UK, and how she spent years trying to get the book published.





I think in Harry Potter, she not only created one of the worlds most loved characters, but also a character so many people around the world fell in love with. She created this wonderful fantasy world in the books, with lots of lovable characters who all went on to become household names in every corner of the world, which is pretty incredible.


I think the way she came up with all the different characters, and brought them to life in a series of 7  books was so creative, and something that I really admire her for.


 On top of writing the Harry Potter series, she is also involved in a lot of charity work, and created a charitable organisation especially for women and children in danger around the world..


 Only recently she organized different celebrities to video and read aloud the first Harry Potter book for children stuck at home during the covid epidemic , wish again i think is so creative and imaginative. 


Thank you….. “











Describe a business person that you admire.

You should say:

  • Who the person is.
  • How you know this person.
  • What kind of business this person does.

And explain Why you admire him/her?





describe a business person you admire“A business person I really admire is actually a personal friend of mine, who started his own tech company about 5 years ago, and has turned it into a highly successful company, employing over 50 people today.


I have known him for about 6 years, and we met through mutual friends, quickly becoming good friends. We also share an interest in football, and enjoy chatting about how our teams are doing in the league.




As i mentioned he has a tech company, which specialises in creating business websites for companies around the world. He has built websites for companies based in the U.S, Australia, Asia and also Europe, as well as opening a new office in London.


The main reason I admire him is that he started this business from scratch, while still in his twenties, and within only 3 years turned it into the success it is today. I watched him when he first started in this business, and how he worked day and night to get the business going, and really admired him for that.


When his business started to grow I noticed how well he treated his staff, and how the staff were so well motivated as well as the respect they had for my friend, and that’s another thing I really admired about him.


Oh…..I almost forgot…… Even though his business was growing, he never sat back, and kept looking for ways to grow and expand even more and really showed great determination, which is another thing I think is also very admirable


Thank you…..”








Notes: As I’m speaking I’m trying to use the keyword (bold text) in the topic title 5 – 6 times which really keeps me on topic. This is something to take note of with all part 2 topics, as well as something to practice when you are preparing for your IELTS speaking exam.






More example part 2 and part 3 answers


Describe something that helps you concentrate on study

Describe a rule that you don’t like

Describe a story somebody told you and you remember

Describe a city you think is very interesting

Describe an interesting neighbour – IELTS speaking

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