Describe something that helps you concentrate on study

describe something that helps you concentrate
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Describe something that helps you concentrate on study/work – IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3.






Describe something you do that helps you concentrate on work or study


You should say:


What it is

When you first started to do it

How it helps you concentrate

And explain how you feel about it





describe something that helps you concentrate on work or study“Concentrating, especially when i need to really hit the books, or work on an assignment with a deadline is something I can say I’ve honestly had a big problem with over the years,mainly because of the distractions caused by my mobile phone. I often racked my brains on how to best deal with the problem as it was really interfering with my studies.  However, one of my classmates who also had a similar problem recently recommended an app to me, which he absolutely swears by, and told me how it has helped him so much.

The app in question is called Forest, and the main idea, as well as setting it up is as easy as pie. You open the app, and say you want to plant a tree,and then you put the phone down. If you lift your phone or open another app after this your tree will die. However if you can last 25 minutes, your tree will live, and you can then aim to build a whole forest.


As simple as this app is, I have found it to be a massive help in improving my concentration, as well keeping me from being distracted by my mobile. It has definitely made me become more productive in my studies, and I now get my assignments finished on time, without having to stay up all night burning the midnight oil. This very simple app has really been a godsend and I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone who finds their mobile a distraction. 


Thank you…”












  • To hit the books

To hit the books simply means to study.


I have an important exam next week, and need to spend the weekend hitting the books.”


  • To rack one’s brains


To rack one’s brains means thinking for very long and hard about something, to come up with a decision or solution.


“We racked our brains trying to come up with a good idea on how to raise money for a local charity.”


  • As easy as pie


something that helps you concentrate on study or workIf something is as easy as pie, it means that it’s very simple or easy.


“She was very happy about her maths exam, and found all the problems as easy as pie to solve.”










  • To burn the midnight oil


This means to stay up working/studying very late into the night.


“I have my final exams coming soon, and will need to burn the midnight oil for the next week.”


  • A godsend


If we say something is a godsend, it means something, someone or an event that is extremely helpful.


After a long hot summer, the rain was a godsend for the farmers.”






Describe something that helps you concentrate on study or work – Part 3






1.What kinds of jobs require a lot of concentration?



describe something you do to concentrate“Well, personally I think most jobs require a certain degree of concentration, although I guess some more than others. I think most people who work with numbers would need to be highly focused, as just one small mistake, due to any distractions could make a huge difference, as well as costing someone a lot of money.


Other jobs that need a lot of concentration would be surgeons, pilots and i guess any sort of drivers,as a lack of attentiveness could actually cost lives.


On the other side, I also think people like writers, software engineers and other jobs in the tech industry, also need a lot of concentration and focus to get their work done.”







2.Is it important for kids to learn to concentrate?


“Yes, I believe that it’s crucial for a child’s development to learn how to concentrate, and something that should be encouraged from a young age.  In their future lives they are going to really require a lot of  concentration power in order to succeed, especially for higher level studies.


What’s more, we now live in a technology obsessed world, and from a very young age, a lot of children are glued to a mobile phone or ipad. Kids are often addicted to mobile or computer games, or the latest tiktok craze, and find it difficult to sit down and concentrate on their homework or read a book.


I think this is something that all parents, and teachers must try to work on, and teach children the art of concentration from a young age.”








3.Can technology help people to concentrate?


can technology help us concentrate“Well, I think if technology is used in the correct way, it doesn’t always have to be a distraction, and can sometimes be useful in helping people to concentrate.


For example there are special kinds of noise cancelling headphones, which can block out any distracting sounds, such as traffic or barking dogs. On top of that some people find it easier to concentrate listening to some relaxing music, and there are different apps you can use for this.


What’s more there are many educational apps and programs available, which can make studying and learning more interactive, leading to a higher level of interest and concentration. So, yes, I think that very often technology can help people to concentrate.”








4.Why do you think it’s difficult for some people to concentrate?



describe something that helps you concentrate on study“Personally , I feel that concentrating can be difficult or challenging for just about everyone at times, whether it’s studying in school or working in the office. 


I think very often people are tired or stressed out, and find it difficult to concentrate or focus on anything for more than a few minutes.  Furthermore , there are so many distractions in the world today, especially from technology, which is everywhere we look. Who doesn’t pick up their mobile phone to check the different messaging or social apps, at least a few times a day.  


Another reason for a lack of concentration could of course be due to some mental health or physical health condition, which people would need to seek professional medical advice on.”










More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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