Describe an unusual meal you had

describe an unusual meal you had
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Describe an unusual meal you had – IELTS speaking part 2









Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:


  • When it was
  • Where it was
  • Who was with you

And explain why you think it was unusual










Example 1.


describe an unusual meal that you had“I think one of the most unusual meals I ever had was when I was in Beijing last summer. I was with my mother and two friends, and we decided to visit some small remote village on the outskirts of the city and check out the local cuisine. After some exploring, we found this small, family-owned restaurant that served up some dishes I had never even heard of before.


The meal began with some strange-looking soup called ‘Tofu Fish,’ served in a small bowl. It was a concoction of the lightest tofu with various herbs and some type of fish. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it fit together, and was totally mouthwatering.


The main dish was a combination of stir-fried mung beans, shiitake mushrooms, and samples of both pickled and fresh ginger. It was a real flavour explosion in my mouth –a bit salty and sweet at the same time.


For dessert, I remember we had some type of pudding made out of rice and mixed with sugar and a few other ingredients. It was a bit too sweet for my taste, but it was a hit with the locals.


I was amazed to discover the unique blend of flavours in this small village on the outskirts of the city, and the unusual menu made for an unforgettable meal.


Thank you.”




  • idioms


To “check something out” means to examine or investigate it. For example, “I want to check out that new restaurant down the street before I decide whether or not to eat there.”


A concoction is a mixture of different elements, particularly ones that are unusual or unexpected. Example: She cooked up a wild concoction of vegetables, grains, and spices for dinner.


Mouthwatering is an idiom that is used to describe something so tantalizing that it makes the mouth water, often in reference to food. Example: The smell of the freshly-baked cookies was so mouthwatering.


An idiom meaning a feeling or experience so intense that it is overwhelming and exciting, a flavour explosion is an expression used to describe a very intense and pleasing flavour sensation. Example: When I ate the gourmet dish, it was a flavour explosion of spices and herbs.





Example 2.


an unusual meal you had“I had an unusual meal just the other day, when I went out with my friends to this very authentic Vietnamese restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City. As soon as I walked in, I knew this meal was going to be something special.


The menu was filled with interesting dishes, from sweet and sour pork to a steaming hot bowl of Pho. We decided to start with some traditional spring rolls which were light and flavorful. Then we moved onto shared plates with some salt and pepper chicken wings, a spicy rice dish, and grilled pork.


To finish, we decided to try the chef’s specialty — a sweet soup with mango and banana, which was a real feast for my taste buds, and was absolutely delicious!


The atmosphere was extremely cozy, and the staff was so welcoming,and it almost felt like we were eating in someone’s home. That together with the amazing food and great conversations with my friends made this meal truly an experience to remember.


All in all, it was an unforgettable meal in Vietnam and it was definitely unlike any other meal I’ve ever had. It was jam-packed with interesting flavours and experiences that I’ll never forget. I could certainly say it was a meal to write home about!


Thank you.”




  • idioms


Authentic means genuine or real. An example sentence could be: He only wears authentic Nike shoes.


The idiom “a feast for the taste buds” is used to describe a particularly delicious meal or food. For example, “The chocolate sundae I had for dessert was a real feast for the taste buds!”


The idiom “jam packed” is used to describe a situation when a place or event is full of people or activities, to the point where there’s hardly any room to move or add anything else. For example: “The supermarket was jam packed with people doing their weekly shopping!”


The idiom “something to write home about” means something very noteworthy or special, and is usually used to describe a positive experience. For example, “The meal I had at that new restaurant was something to write home about!”










Describe an unusual meal you had – IELTS speaking part 3






Do you think there are any differences between the quality of home cooked food and restaurant food?


“Yes, I do think there’s a difference! Home cooked dishes tend to be healthier and made with more natural ingredients, allowing you to control what goes into your meals.


In contrast, restaurant food may have more of a variety, but can also be high in calories. In my opinion, home cooked food will always be the tastier and healthier option.”





Is fast food popular in your country?

“Absolutely, fast food is really popular in my country these days, and so many people love it. We’ve got loads of KFCs, McDonalds, and other fast food restaurants, and lots of people eat there on a regular basis.


I guess it’s become so popular as It tastes good and it’s really cheap, so that makes it really appealing, especially to the younger generation.


 What’s more, it’s also very convenient and quick, which suits lots of busy lifestyles.


 Personally, I’m not a big fan, and think that it’s not always the healthiest option, but that doesn’t stop people from eating it!”





Do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or outside?


Generally speaking, I guess people usually prefer to eat at home, as  It’s much more convenient and they can make whatever they feel like. 


As well as that, home-cooked meals are generally healthier and more cost-effective too.


 Having said that, eating out with family and friends is also becoming more and more popular.  Many people find It’s fun to try out different restaurants and cuisines.


 Personally, I enjoy a nice balance of both, and I think that each has their own appeal.





Who usually does most of the cooking in homes these days?


describe an unusual meal you have had“In Vietnam, it’s usually the mothers or grandmothers who do most of the cooking. That said, with the increasing number of both men and women in the workforce, many couples also share the cooking responsibilities.


As well as that, even some teenage kids are getting in on the action these days. 


Personally, I think it’s great that more and more men and women have been taking an equal share of the cooking duties.”





What are some benefits of eating together as a family?


“Personally, I believe that eating together as a family offers many benefits! It creates a strong bond between family members, allows people to share their day, and can be educational when discussing a variety of topics. 


On top of that, It also shows children the importance of healthy eating habits. Eating together as a family can also provide a sense of structure and comfort, and gives parents the opportunity to get to know their kids on a deeper level. 


In my opinion, eating together as a family helps to create stronger and more connected families!”





Do you think that people cook less at home these days than in the past?


“Absolutely. It’s so much easier to just go get take out or order in then to make something from scratch. Even food delivery services are super popular now, so there’s less of an incentive to cook for yourself. 


As well as that, even people who do cook for themselves often rely on pre-packaged or semi-pre-prepped stuff from the grocery store which doesn’t really compare to the labour intensive cooking of the past. 


So yeah, I’d definitely say people are cooking less than before.”








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 topics with example answers






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