Describe an occasion you spent time with a young child

describe an occasion you spent time with a young child
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Describe an occasion you spent time with a young child








Describe an occasion you spent time with a young child

You should say:


  • When it was
  • Who the child was
  • What you did together

And explain how you felt about it







describe a time you spent time with a young child“I recently had the pleasure of spending a lovely Sunday afternoon with my youngest niece, Astrid. Astrid is five and has always been a bundle of energy, so there’s never a dull moment whenever she’s around!


It was Sunday morning, and the sun was shining beautifully, soI decided to take Astrid for a day out to the local park and let her explore the playground. 


She had the time of her life scampering around on the swings and slide, but what made it most special was when she asked me to join in and play with her. We ended up having a great time racing around the playground, chasing each other until we were both out of breath. It was so lovely to see her laughing so much, it was like I could almost feel how much fun we were having!


Next, we stopped at a nearby ice-cream stand and got some tasty treats. Astrid was loving every minute of it, and it made me feel like I was reliving my childhood. We then talked about what we wanted to do next, and after much deliberation, we decided to go and feed the ducks. Watching Astrid getting so excited over the ducks coming close to us and hearing her ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ made me feel  so happy.


Overall, it was a perfect day, and spending time with Astrid was truly special. She’s so pure and innocent, and I was so grateful I got to spend it with her.


Thank you.”




  • Idioms


The idiom “a bundle of energy” is used to describe a person who has a lot of enthusiasm, energy, and vigour. For example, “My daughter is a bundle of energy who loves to get up and dance whenever she hears music.”


There’s never a dull moment, means that with the person in question, there are always interesting things happening; they are always full of unexpected surprises. Example: Whenever Lucinda is around, there’s never a dull moment – it’s always an adventure!


This idiom means that one has an enjoyable and memorable time when they are in the company of a certain person. Example: Whenever I’m with my best friend, I always have the time of my life.


The idiom “to relive one’s childhood” means to nostalgically revisit past experiences of childhood. For example, “Jake loved watching cartoons with his grandkids, since it allowed him to relive his childhood.”









Describe an occasion you spent time with a young child – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think that the kind of activities that children enjoy today have changed from the past?


spending time with a child“Yes,  the activities that kids enjoy today have changed a lot from the past! Thanks to the internet, gaming consoles and other devices, kids tend to stay indoors and play more video games and use computers than ever before. 


They don’t go outside as much as they used to, whereas in the past, playing in the park, having a kickabout with friends, climbing trees, were all popular activities.


 Having said that, most kids aren’t always glued to the screens and thankfully still get to enjoy traditional outdoor activities like bike riding, skateboarding, and swimming. 


Personally, I  believe that it’s important to strike a balance between modern indoor activities and outdoor ones.”






Do you think it’s important for children to learn to follow rules?


“Yes,absolutely, I think it’s vital for kids to learn to follow rules. A lot of life is about respecting and understanding the guidelines set by others. 


Rules will help children learn how to act appropriately in different situations, as well as staying safe and keeping out of trouble.


For example, following rules prevents situations like skipping homework, staying up late, or playing in an unsafe area. 


On top of that, It’s also important for children to know that rules are in place for their own safety. My personal view is that children who learn to follow rules from an early age are more successful in the long run.”






Do you think that there are too many rules for children to follow ?


an occasion you spent time with a young childYes, I think sometimes there are too many rules for children to follow. For example, it can be difficult to remember all the rules a parent or school has put in place. This can leave kids feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about which rules to follow.


As well as that, too many rules can stifle a child’s creativity,  and make them too scared to make decisions. Going overboard with rules can stop children from learning important life skills like problem solving and forming their own opinions.”


Going overboard is an idiom referring to excessive behaviour or doing too much. For example: “John went overboard decorating his house for Halloween- it looked like a haunted castle!”






Where do children usually play in your country?


“I guess it depends, but kids usually play both indoors and outdoors. Some popular Indoor activities would be playing video games, board games, or even just playing around the house. 


As well as that many kids love different kinds of outdoor activities, especially sports like football, and basketball, which they can play in school or the community playground.


On top of that,activities like going to parks, or beaches is something almost every young child loves to do.


 Personally, I think both indoor and outdoor activities are important for children in order to foster physical and mental development.”










More links to IELTS speaking part 2 example answers





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