Describe an invention you think is useful

describe an invention you think is useful
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Describe an invention you think is useful 







Describe an invention you think is useful

You should say:

  • What it is
  • When/where you got it
  • What it can do

And explain how easy/difficult it is to use







describe an invention that is useful in your daily life“I just recently got a laptop from my parents as a graduation gift and it’s been a life-saver ever since. It’s a sleek, lightweight device with an incredibly powerful processor and a high-resolution display that’s perfect for university work. With the laptop, I can take notes in lectures, check emails and write assignments in a jiffy.


It’s really user-friendly, so it’s a breeze to use. As well as that,the laptop has a great battery life, so I’m able to take it wherever I go without worrying about running out of juice. I usually use it to look up course information and watch lectures online, but I also use it for leisure activities like watching movies and playing games.


It’s been a real game-changer for me. I used to be the type of person who was always running late because I couldn’t get my work done in time, but with the laptop, I can now work at my own pace. I can also access information quickly and easily, which has made learning a lot easier.


Overall, I’m pretty pleased with my laptop. It’s a great tool for university students, and it’s been really helpful in making my life easier. It’s not difficult to use at all, so it’s been a great asset for me.


Thank you.”




  • Idioms


A life-saver is an informal expression used to describe something or someone that has been really helpful in a difficult situation. Example: My neighbour was a real life-saver when he offered to fix my car for free.


Sleek is an idiom that means to be stylish, modern, and attractive. For example: She wore a sleek black dress to the party.


In a jiffy is an expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. The phrase “in a jiffy” is an idiom that means “in a very short amount of time.” For example, “I’ll have the report done in a jiffy!”


The idiom “user friendly” refers to a product or service that is easy to use. For example, “This new software is incredibly user friendly and only takes minutes to learn.”


The idiom “it’s a breeze” refers to something that is very easy to do. For example: “Studying for this exam was a breeze – I already knew all the material.”


To run out of juice means to run out of energy, enthusiasm, or resources. Example: After working all day, I ran out of juice and decided to call it a night.


A “game changer” is an event, person, or thing that has a drastically different impact on a situation than what was expected. For example: “The introduction of the electric car was a game changer for the automotive industry.”







Describe an invention you find useful – IELTS speaking part 3






What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in recent history?


“To be honest, I don’t really keep up with technology, but I guess some of the most exciting and impressive inventions of recent years have been in the tech industry. 


I think that these days, artificial intelligence and machine learning are really revolutionizing our lives, and it’s actually difficult to keep up with all the recent advancements.


 As well as that, electric and self-driving cars are looking like they are going to be the future, and change transportation as we know it. 


On top of that, inventions like smartphones and smartwatches have made life easier and more efficient. I think that some of these inventions have made a huge difference in how we live our lives, and I’m excited to see what the future holds.”





What qualities do you think that inventors have?


describe an invention you find usefulOh, wow! Let me think about that…I guess Inventors usually have an extremely curious mindset, being able to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas.


On top of that, I think they must also be very  persistent and have the drive to bring their ideas to life. 


What’s more I guess they are often passionate and dedicated to their work and have a strong desire to make a difference. 


They also might tend to be risk takers, willing to try out their ideas even when the odds are against them. 


I personally think that inventors possess a unique combination of traits that makes them special, and sets them aside from others.”





Do you think that all inventions bring benefits to the world?


“Personally,I think that inventions can and have  brought a lot of benefits to the world, like the internet, which has really revolutionized the way we communicate and access information, and the TV, which has made entertainment more accessible.


 However, at the same time, they can have a dark side, like how social media can make people feel inadequate and lonely, or how cars have polluted the environment.


 I guess it depends on how we use them. As long as we use them responsibly, they can be great tools that improve our lives.”


“In my opinion, not all inventions bring benefits to the world. For example, the invention of the atomic bomb caused catastrophic destruction, while the invention of the internet has allowed us to stay connected no matter where we are. 


Having said that, I do believe that a lot of inventions can help improve the world. For example, the invention of the light bulb has allowed people to work and study past sunset, and the invention of the wheel has changed the way people transport goods and travel.


 Personally, I think the world would be a darker place without inventions, so I’m all for them.”





Do you think that children should be encouraged to be innovative and to think outside of the box?


describe an invention you think is very useful“Definitely! I think that kids should and must be encouraged to be creative and explore different ideas. 


For example, if they’re working on a science project, instead of just following the instructions from the textbook, they should try to come up with their own solutions.


 Or, if they’re learning a language, they should think of ways to make it fun and inventive. 


Personally, I think it’s so important to foster a sense of curiosity and imagination in kids so they grow up to become innovative thinkers and learn to think outside of the box.”



Thinking outside of the box means to think in a creative way that goes beyond the usual boundaries. For example, “John came up with a creative solution to the problem by thinking outside of the box.”









More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and 3 topics with example answers





Describe your favourite clothes


Describe an important decision you made


Describe someone you know who recently moved to a new place


Describe a sports program you like to watch


Describe a famous person you are interested in


Describe an adventure you would like to go on









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