Describe an invention that changed people’s lives

describe an invention that changed people's lives
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Describe an invention that changed people’s lives – IELTS speaking



Describe an invention that changed people’s lives


You should say:


  • What it was
  • When it was invented
  • How people use it


And explain how it has changed peoples lives



describe an invention that changed people's lives“I think the one invention that has really changed how we live in recent years has to be the smartphone, which really has become an integral part of so many people’s lives, as well as an item that most people feel they can’t live without.


I guess the smartphone as we know it today was invented by Apple, and hit the mass market back in about 2007 or 8, which really broke new ground and launched a mobile revolution, quickly becoming the one piece of technology everybody wanted to own.


I think the first way the smartphone changed peoples lives was in how it literally put the internet in everyone’s pocket, and completely revolutionised the mobile industry. On top of that, it also put a good camera in our pockets, and made us all aspiring photographers overnight, which also led to a huge rise in the different social media platforms.


I really believe that the smartphone and the apps that go with it changed so much in our lives, even the way people work today, and the way we do business. From posting selfies on facebook and online shopping to work related emails or communication the smartphone really has revolutionised just about everybody’s life, from the ordinary joe bloggs to the business bigwigs.


Thank you.”










  • Integral 


To be necessary or an important part of something.


Learning phonics is an integral part of studying a language.”

“A good camera has become an integral part of any smartphone.”


  • Can’t live without something

This is used when we really like something very much, or find it very useful.


“I couldn’t live without air conditioning during the hot summer months.”


  • To break new ground

To do something that is different to anything done before


Apple broke new ground with the invention of the iphone.”


“Tesla broke new ground in the development of electric cars.”


  • Joe bloggs


Used to describe a typical, very normal or average person.


The new iphone pro is extremely expensive and not the kind of phone that joe bloggs would buy.”


  • A bigwig


Used to describe an important person or a person in a powerful position. 


“The government bigwigs got together last week to discuss how to handle the covid pandemic.”






Describe an invention that changed people’s lives – IELTS speaking part 3




1.What inventions/kinds of technology are often used in classrooms today?


describe an invention that changed people's lives“There are a number of new technologies being used in classrooms today, and I guess some of them have really changed the way we study and learn. A lot of schools and classrooms today use an electronic whiteboard which has probably made life easier for teachers, and more interesting for students. 


On top of that, many students now use laptops or tablets in the classroom, which reduces the need for many textbooks, as well as being more interactive. Another huge change in the education industry in recent years has of course been the growing popularity of online learning, which would be impossible without the use of technology or some recent inventions. 


So, I really feel that technology has become an indispensable part of education.”









2.What inventions do you think will be popular in the future?


describe an invention“Well, it’s never easy to predict the future, but I think there have been some recent inventions that will become more and more popular in the near future, and our lives will keep changing due to the many advances in technology.


Already some big companies such as space x are working on making it possible to achieve space tourism in the future, and I have no doubt that they will invent and produce a space rocket that will make this possible.


Another invention that is already becoming popular around the world is the electric car, and there has been huge investment and research in self driving cars, which I think in the not so distant future will become a reality.


Furthermore, with the constant advancements in technology, i don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that cars will in the future be actually able to fly, and will take to the skies to free up the space below. 


These are just some examples I can think of, and I’m sure that there will be many more amazing and exciting inventions in the future.”









3.Do you think any technological inventions have had a negative effect on society?


“Yes , in my opinion technology has had a number of negative effects on society, with the biggest one perhaps being social media, which has led to both physical and psychological problems. Social media is very often full of misinformation, fake news and hate speech, making it very difficult to keep up with what’s true and what’s not true.


Another negative effect of modern technology is that it can be extremely addictive, and it’s actually becoming more and more difficult for people to live without it. 


Furthermore, the overuse of technology can lead to sedentary lifestyles, with people sitting for hours and hours, and getting little or even no exercise, which of course leads to a risk of disease or poor health.


So, although technology and modern inventions have had many positive effects on society, there have been some negative effects and we should perhaps think more on how we use it.”







4.How have modern inventions/technology had a positive effect on society?


describe an invention that made life better“Personally, I think that modern technology has had many positive effects in modern society, and made all of our lives easier and more convenient than in the past. 


With recent developments, education has become more accessible than ever before, and virtual learning has made it possible for us to learn without even having to leave our home. Furthermore , this has led to a decrease in the cost of learning, giving equal opportunities to people all over the world.


Another positive effect of new technology is that it has also created more equal opportunities in the workplace, with less discrimination or pay gaps. On top of that many employees can now work remotely from home, and become even more productive, all thanks to some recent inventions in technology.”










More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers


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