Describe an interesting song – IELTS speaking

describe an interesting song
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Describe an interesting song – IELTS speaking





This is a topic that many students have some difficulty with, especially when it comes to explaining why you think the song is interesting.With topics like this it’s a good idea to think of a few different ideas of what you could talk about, and then decide which one would be the most appropriate and easiest to describe.

Some examples could be,


  • Your countries national anthem
  • An old traditional or folk song from your country, that perhaps tells a story or the lyrics are about a certain historic event.
  • A song that has a message, for example protecting the environment.
  • A song that mixes or combines both traditional music and modern pop music.
  • A song that football or sports fans sing when the national team is playing.






Describe an interesting song that you like


You should say:


  • What the song is
  • When you first heard this song
  • What the song is about

And explain why you think it’s interesting







describe an interesting song“I’ve always been a massive fan of music, and to choose just one particular song is a tough one, but I’m going to go with Hotel California by the Eagles, which is probably one of the best known as well as most played classics hits of all time. 


I really can’t remember when I first heard this song, but I guess it was sometime back when I was just a young child, probably on the radio,and it’s a tune I have grown up with.


There are actually many different theories on what this iconic hit is about, and fans over the years have interpreted the lyrics in their own way, coming up with some very interesting ideas. To make it even more confusing the band themselves offered different explanations on the meaning of the lyrics. Personally , I believe the song is about materialism and excess in the life of a rock star back in the 70’s, which I think is quite fascinating in itself.


Another really interesting thing is that even though this song was written almost 50 years ago, it has really stood the test of time, as well as being a very catchy song that so many people like to sing along to . It remains a timeless classic that is still popular worldwide,on top of  influencing many of today’s aspiring rock stars. 


Thank you.”











  • To go with


In this context ‘to go with’ means to choose.


After looking at the menu carefully, I decided to go with the fish.”


  • A classic


Something that is of very high quality and remains so as time goes by.


“The Godfather is a true classic movie.”


  • Iconic


A famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of life etc.


“The Eiffel tower is an iconic symbol of Paris.”


  • To stand the test of time


For something to remain useful or valued over a long period of time.


“Pop bands come and go, but the Beatles music has really stood the test of time.”


  • A timeless classic


Something that remains popular and unchanged by time.


A good leather jacket is a timeless classic, and will never go out of fashion.”


  • To aspire


This means to want something very much or hope to achieve something or to be very successful.


She is studying medicine and aspires to be a surgeon in the future.”


  • Catchy


To say a song is catchy means it is pleasing to listen to and easy to remember. Catchy music or songs are often used in advertisements.








Describe an interesting song that you like – Part 3





What kind of music is popular in your country?



describe an interesting song“I guess there are many different kinds of music popular in Vietnam today, and of course different people have different tastes. I think most of the younger generation enjoy listening to pop or hip hop music, and a lot of teens are massive fans of the different Korean boy and girl bands.


In contrast, many older people prefer to listen to slightly softer kinds of  music, especially pop ballads from the 80s or 90s by popular Vietnamese artists. There are of course a lot of older and very traditional songs from long ago that are also still quite popular today, and almost everybody recognizes and enjoys on occasion. “










Do you think that pop stars can have a negative influence on young people?


“Yes, I believe that certain pop stars or celebrities can have a very negative effect on the youth today. Many teenagers today almost worship their idols, especially through social media. They are really influenced by how these stars dress or behave, and I think that this can make it very difficult for these teens to discover their own identity.”


What’s more, some of these pop stars make very unsuitable role models, and set very bad examples for the youth of today. A lot of these negative activities are then reflected in the teenagers actions and behaviour which can have a very negative effect on society.”









Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument? 



describe an song you think is interesting“Yes, I think generally speaking it’s a great thing for a child to learn how to play some kind of musical instrument, as long as it’s fun for them and not something they are forced into. Learning to play an instrument requires skill and also discipline, both of which are very important for a child to learn.


Learning to play music could also increase self confidence, and improve problem solving skills which are both of great importance in any child’s development.


What’s more, they would get to interact with and meet more people, which of course would increase their social circle and improve their social skills.”









What are some differences between watching a music performance on TV or attending a live performance? 



describe an interesting song you like“Well personally I believe there are some huge differences between the two, and many people like to attend a concert in order to experience the amazing atmosphere, which it’s really not possible to experience on the TV. What’s more, being part of a big audience can be so much more exciting, with all the noise and positive energy which can’t really be experienced when sitting at home alone watching the TV.


On top of that, I think going to a concert gives people the chance to hear a band or musicians perform live, and be part of an electrifying atmosphere, as well as seeing their idols on stage up close.”









More part 2 and part 3 example answers with audio



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