Describe a time you saw a lot of plastic waste

describe a time you saw a lot of plastic waste
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Describe a time you saw a lot of plastic waste






Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on a beach etc.)


You should say:


  • Where it was
  • When it was
  • Why there was a lot of plastic waste


And explain how you felt about it





describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste“It’s sad to say, but there have been too many times I’ve seen terrible examples of plastic waste. The one time that really sticks in my mind was about 2 months ago when I visited a very famous and beautiful lake, just a stone’s throw from my hometown. The whole area is famous for its natural beauty and scenery, and has become a very popular place for tourists to visit.


I went there with a couple of my friends, as we thought it would be the perfect place to enjoy some of the wonderful natural scenery the country has to offer.


I can still clearly remember as we took a path down to the lake, there were plastic bottles and bags tossed everywhere all the way down to the shore of the lake. The lake itself was in an even worse state, with plastic bags, bottles and discarded styrofoam boxes floating on the water, which was a pretty depressing sight. 


It was obvious that so many ignorant visitors to the lake bring along some food or drinks to have a picnic, leaving their waste behind, or just tossing it into the lake without a thought about the harm they are doing.


I was so disgusted and ashamed by the sight that we took lots of photos to post on some public social media groups, and try to bring some attention to this environmental mess. It was truly heartbreaking to see such a beautiful place destroyed by people’s ignorance, as well as making my blood boil, that nobody seemed to care.


Thank you”












  • To stick in one’s mind


If something sticks in your mind, you remember it well, because it’s unusual or interesting


“The advice my father gave me before I started university has always stuck in my mind.”


  • A stones throw


This means to be a very short distance from somewhere


“My school is just a stone’s throw from my home, and I can walk there in just 5 minutes.”


  • To toss


To throw something lightly or casually


After finishing the bottle of water, he tossed the empty bottle to the side of the road.”


  • Heartbreaking


Something that causes great sorrow,distress or extreme sadness.


He was heartbroken to see his team lose the game last weekend.”


To make one’s blood boil


When someone or something makes you extremely angry


“When I see people being cruel to animals, it really makes my blood boil.”






Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste – Part 3





Do you think that we should still use plastic products today?


describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste“Well, personally I think it would be a very difficult thing to totally do away with plastic products, but I believe we should most definitely ban the use of a lot of disposable plastic products. Single use plastic products, such as plastic bags, throwaway food containers, or plastic cups are a leading cause of environmental damage today, and there is  no doubt that we can all live comfortably without these products.

I think it’s just as convenient for people to  use reusable cups, wrap our food in paper bags, as well as use recyclable bags to carry our shopping. Reducing plastic waste is something that we need to do now, rather than waiting until the damage to the environment is irreversible.”









Do you think there is a problem with plastic waste in your country?


“Yes, it makes me sad to say, but there is a huge problem with plastic waste in the country today. I think one of the big problems is that we are now so accustomed to using plastic just once, and then throwing it away, and I strongly believe that more has to be done about this major environmental problem.  It doesn’t seem to matter where you go,  there’s always some form of  plastic waste to be found,whether it’s in a city park or a remote beach, 


I think that the government must take more action, and introduce stricter laws and regulations to quickly deal with this problem. What’s more, people need to be educated and made more aware of how serious the problem actually is, as well as learning how we can all have a part in making the world a better place, and saving the environment before it’s too late.”








In what ways can plastic harm the environment?


describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste“I think there are a number of ways in which plastic waste harms the environment. To start with, plastic finds its way into the oceans, and other waterways, which affects all kinds of ocean life, from sea turtles to ocean birds. Animals can get stuck or caught up in discarded plastic products and die, while others mistake it for food, and end up being poisoned. 


On top of that, discarded plastic waste has destroyed the natural beauty of so many beautiful scenic areas. There is nothing worse or more unsightly than the site of plastic waste washed up on a beautiful beach, as well as plastic bags or styrofoam boxes left behind my ignorant visitors.”








Do you think it’s important for children to learn about the harm that plastic waste causes?


“Yes, I believe it’s extremely important for children to be educated in how dangerous to the environment that plastic waste is. I think this should start at home, and their parents should set a good example by making sure their kids understand how harmful plastic waste can be. As well as that, I believe that schools also have a responsibility in teaching young children the importance of protecting the environment, and that this should be a part of all schools curriculum.” 






More links to example part 2 and part 3 example answers



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