Describe a time you saved money to buy something special 

Describe a time you saved money to buy something special 
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Describe a time you saved money to buy something special (A gift for someone, a holiday, a new phone etc.)






Describe a time you saved money to buy something special

You should say:

  • What did you save for
  • How did you save for it
  • How long did it take you to save

And explain how you felt about it







describe a time you saved money for a giftI remember a few years ago, when I was still a high school student, and I wanted to buy something special for my mom for her birthday. I really wanted to surprise her with a new ______________, which I knew  was going to be quite expensive, so I decided to save up the money for it. 


I started to save by cutting back on my spending and cutting out unnecessary things like eating out, going to the movies, etc. As well as that,I also started doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood to bring in extra money.


I worked so hard for over 6 months to save up the money and it took a lot of effort, but I finally had enough. I really was so proud of myself and the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. I had done it! I was absolutely over the moon  to be able to buy my mom something special.


The feeling of giving my mom something special was incredible. I knew that I had put in a lot of effort and time to save up the money and it meant a lot to me to be able to give her something special. Seeing the look on her face when she opened the gift was absolutely priceless. It was so worth it.


Saving up the money for this gift was a great lesson for me. It taught me the importance of budgeting and planning ahead. I learned that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen with dedication and hard work. I was proud as punch and it was a great feeling.



  • Idioms


To “cut back” means to reduce or limit something, usually in order to save money or resources. For example, “The company decided to cut back on their advertising budget this year.”


The idiom “odd job” is used to describe a task or job that is usually small and relatively simple. Example: “I needed some extra money, so I started doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood.


Priceless is an idiom referring to something that is extremely valuable and cannot be bought with money. Example: The time I spent with my grandmother was priceless.


The idiom “proud as punch” means to be extremely proud of something. For example, “After receiving his college degree, John was proud as punch.”


The idiom “over the moon” means to be extremely happy and excited. Example: When I heard I got the job, I was over the moon!







Describe a time you saved money to buy something special – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think it’s important to save money?


a time you saved money“Yes, I think it’s absolutely vital for people to save money. It’s really a great habit to get into and can provide security and peace of mind. 


When you save money, you’re able to put it aside for unexpected expenses, like an emergency car repair or medical bills.


As well as that, It can also help you reach bigger life goals, such as buying a house or saving up for a dream vacation.


 On top of that, it can also make you feel good to know that you have something saved up for a rainy day. Personally, I don’t think that It’s always easy to save money, but it’s worth it in the long run.”



  •  A rainy day


The idiom “a rainy day” is used to refer to times of difficulty or hardship in the future. For example, you might say “I’m saving money for a rainy day” to indicate that you are setting aside funds for potential unexpected expenses.





Do you think it’s easy to save money these days?


“Yes, I think It can definitely be extremely tough to save money these days because there are so many appealing things to buy. Whether it’s the latest tech gadget, a new outfit or the newest restaurant in town, there are always temptations to spend money.


 Having said that, it’s definitely possible to save money if you set a budget and stick to it. For example, if you limit going out to eat to once a week, you can save a significant amount of money each month.


 On top of that, if you shop around for the best deals on things like travel, groceries and household items, you can save even more.


 Personally, I think it’s important to be mindful of your spending and to try to put aside some money for the future. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it in the long run.”





Do you think it’s important for children to learn to understand the value and importance of money?


“Absolutely! I believe it is incredibly important for kids to understand the importance and value of money. 


Money is an essential part of life and being able to manage it properly is a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. Teaching kids how to budget, save, and invest is a great way to set them up for financial success in their future lives.


 For example, having them set aside a percentage of their allowance each week to put into a savings account can create a habit of saving. 


As well as that, helping them understand that money doesn’t grow on tress by having them work for their money through doing odd jobs can teach them that money is earned, not just given. 


I really think that understanding the importance and value of money is an essential life skill and I highly recommend teaching kids this lesson early on in life.”


Money doesn’t grow on trees


The idiom “money doesn’t grow on trees” means that money is valuable and should not be wasted. For example, “My parents always remind me that money doesn’t grow on trees, so I should think carefully before making purchases.”






Do you think that young people today spend a lot of money on unnecessary things?


a time you saved money for something special“Yes, personally I believe that young people today do actually waste money on unnecessary things. For example, I know a few people who have bought the latest new iPhones or laptops even though they don’t really need them. 


As well as that, a lot of youngsters spend a lot of money on expensive clothes that they’ll only wear once or twice.


 I really think it’s a shame when young people waste money on things they don’t actually need when they could be using that money for more valuable things like savings or investment for their futures.


Mind you, I totally  understand that it’s nice to treat yourself sometimes, but I do think young people need to be more mindful about their spending habits.”





Do you think that young people save money in the same way as older people?


“Well, generally speaking, I don’t think young people save money in the same way as older people. Older people tend to have more knowledge and experience when it comes to financial planning and budgeting, so they are better equipped to make smart money decisions.


 On the other hand, young people are often more impulsive and less likely to plan ahead. They may be more likely to make impulse purchases or not budget their money as carefully. 


Having said that, I think it’s extremely important for young people to learn the importance of saving money from a young age. By getting into the habit of budgeting and saving early, young people can develop smart money habits that will help them later in life.”


  • Impulsive 


Impulsive behaviour is acting without thinking first. For example, a person might impulsively buy something they don’t need without considering the cost.







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 topics with example answers




Describe a movie you watched and didn’t enjoy


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