Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know

describe a time you got lost in a place you didn't know
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Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know







Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know

You should say


  • When it was
  • Where it was
  • What did you do

And explain how you felt about it







Example 1.


a time you got lost in a place you didn't know“I remember back in the summer of 2016, I travelled to Shanghai, a huge city in the east of China. I had never been to Shanghai before and I remember, I was so excited to get out and explore. After checking into the hotel, I decided to take a walk around the downtown area,and see what the city had to offer.


Everything was going great until I suddenly realised I had absolutely no idea where I was. I had been walking around aimlessly and now I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was or which direction I should go in. I started to panic and my heart was pounding like a drum.


I had no idea which streets to take or which landmarks to look for, as well as not having a clue where I was going and I was starting to feel really frustrated. To make matters even worse, I had left my cell phone in the hotel room, and had no way to get back to my room. 


I decided to take a chance and follow a street I saw in the distance, and walked for what felt like hours and eventually I stumbled across a familiar street. It was the same street that my hotel was on, and I never felt so relieved to be back in a familiar area as I did at that  moment.


Looking back, it was a scary experience but I was glad that I managed to find my way back. I certainly learned my lesson and now I always make sure to keep track of where I am and plan my route before I go.


Thank you.”






Example 2.


a time you got lost“A time I totally got lost was when I went on vacation with my family in the mountains, about three years ago. We were visiting a small town and decided to take a hike to a nearby waterfall. I had heard so much about this waterfall, and really wanted to visit it and was excited at the chance to see it for myself.


I remember we started out on our hike, and soon enough we were deep in the woods. Everything was going great until I suddenly realised I had no idea where I was. I looked around and all the trees looked the same. I started to panic and my heart was racing like a runaway train.


My family had gone ahead without me and I had no idea how to find them. I was completely lost and felt like I was walking in circles. I was so frustrated that I wanted to scream.


I kept walking and eventually I found a small path, which I decided to follow and see where it led. After a very long hour of walking I finally saw some familiar landmarks and realised I was close to where I had started. 


I was so relieved to be out of the woods and back in a familiar area. Looking back, it was a very scary experience but I was glad that I managed to find my way back. I learned my lesson and now I always make sure to keep track of where I am, and take note of any landmarks in the area.


Thank you.”







  • My heart was pounding like a drum / my heart was racing like a runaway train are used to describe a feeling of intense emotion or excitement, usually in a situation that is nerve-wracking or stressful.


 An example sentence is: 

“My heart was pounding like a drum when I saw the final question on the exam.”


  • Not having a clue means that someone has no idea or understanding of a particular subject or situation.


 Example: “I don’t know how to fix the problem – I’m sorry, I really don’t have a clue.”







Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know – IELTS speaking part 3.







Do you think that map skills are important these days?


a time you got lost in a new place“Yes, I definitely think that map skills are still important these days. Of course,with the rise of technology, we have access to so many apps and websites that allow us to easily navigate the world. However, it’s still important to have a good understanding of how to read a map and how to interpret the symbols and directions.


I think that having at least some map skills can help you find places you’ve never been before, as well as plan trips and get an overall better sense of direction. 


What’s more, having a good sense of direction can be beneficial in a variety of ways like finding your way back if you get lost and understanding where you are in relation to your surroundings. Map skills are important and useful skills to have and can be really beneficial when used correctly.”





Do you think that some people are better than others at finding their way?


“Personally, yes I think that some people are better at finding their way than others. For example, some people have an incredible sense of direction and can always find the quickest route to their destination. 


On the other hand, there are some people who always  seem to easily get lost no matter where they are going.


 It’s really quite incredible when you think about it, and  I think it’s just a skill that some people just have, while others don’t.


 Personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. I can usually find my way around, but I’m definitely not an expert. It’s a talent that I admire in others and wish I had!”





Why do you think that some people love travelling to new places?


describe a time you got lost“I guess that some people love travelling to new places because it’s exciting and full of adventure. Exploring new places can be a great way to learn about different cultures, meet new people, as well as experience something completely different.


On top of that, It can also be a way to relax and have fun. Travelling to new places allows us to make lasting memories and discover something new about ourselves. 


It’s also a great way to disconnect from our busy lives and just enjoy the moment. I think that all of these reasons make travelling to new places an amazing experience that people can’t get enough of.”





Do you think it’s a good idea to find out some information about a place before going there?


“Absolutely! I believe It’s super important to research a place before visiting. That way you can avoid any nasty surprises and make the most of your stay. For example, if you’re planning a trip to the beach, it pays to find out what the water’s like, what the weather’s like, and what the area is like. That way, you’ll be able to plan activities and pack the right gear.


What’s more It’s also a good idea to check out the local culture and customs before you go, so you can fit in and avoid any cultural faux pas. All in all, I think discovering as much as you can about a place beforehand is a great idea.”








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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