Describe a time when you gave advice to someone

describe a time when you gave advice to someone
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Describe a time when you gave advice to someone – IELTS speaking part 2 and 3






Describe a time when you gave advice to someone

You should say:

  • Who you gave the advice to
  • What the advice was
  • Why this person needed your advice

And explain how you felt about it






describe a time when you gave advice to someone“I just recently gave some advice to a younger cousin of mine who was at sixes and sevens over what kind of computer to buy before starting in college. He had just graduated from high school, and although he was still on cloud nine after being accepted into the university of his dreams, he was a bundle of nerves, and felt he wasn’t prepared. 


Having been in the same boat a few years ago when I first started my uni life, I felt I was qualified to give him some first hand advice. He never had any interest in or knowledge of computers, and knowing that I’m a bit of a computer geek, he came to me for advice on what kind of laptop he should buy.


I advised him to invest in a computer that firstly had a good battery life, as well as being light and portable, comfortably fitting into his backpack. I also told him to make sure he chose a laptop with a good keyboard for typing up all those long assignments in the future.


I really appreciated him coming to me for advice, and of course was extremely happy to help him out. I remember he called me after a few weeks into his first semester, and told me how thanks to my advice he had chosen the perfect computer for college life, all thanks to my sage advice.


Thank you.”












  • At sixes and sevens


This means to be in a confused, badly organised or difficult situation.


“I was at sixes and sevens about how to start preparing for my IELTS exam.”


  • On cloud nine

To be on cloud nine means to be extremely happy


I was on cloud nine after scoring a 7.5 in my IELTS speaking exam.”


  • A bundle of nerves


To be a bundle of nerves means to be very nervous or anxious about something.


While sitting waiting for the job interview, she was a bundle of nerves.”


  • In the same boat


To be in the same boat means to be in the same unpleasant situation as other people.


“My friend John is always complaining that he never has any money. But we’re all in the same boat.”


  • First hand 


First hand information or experience that is gained or learned directly rather than from a book or other people.


“He has actually built many websites, so he can give you a lot of first hand advice on anything related to building a website.”


  • A computer geek


This can be used to describe a person who is really into, and has a great knowledge of computers or technology. Be careful as it can sometimes be considered a little insulting or negative to call somebody a geek. To just call somebody a geek is to describe them as socially awkward or boring.


  • Sage advice


The word sage means to be very wise and knowledgeable, with great experience.


“I always listen to my grandfather, as he always has some sage advice.








Describe a time when you gave advice to someone – Part 3





Do young people in your country usually listen to their parents advice?


describe a time you gave advice to someoneI think generally speaking that yes, they certainly do. I believe that for any child, regardless of their age, they will choose their parents as their number one role models. I guess that boys will normally pick their father as a role model, and always listen to any advice he has to give, while girls will naturally choose their mother, and follow what she has to say. 


Having said that, many children in Vietnam will also listen to their grandparents who naturally often have some sage advice to give. What’s more, many children will listen to advice from their teachers, especially when it comes to school life. 


Mind you,I guess these days a lot of teenagers are looking to become more independent, and don’t always agree with their parents’ advice, but when it comes to advice on serious matters, such as education, they will generally follow their parents’ advice.”








What kind of people are good at giving advice to others?


“Well, personally I think that the person giving advice must first be a great listener, as well as being patient, and taking the time to understand the situation. Some people can be too quick in giving advice, when they haven’t actually taken the time to really understand what kind of advice is needed.


What’s more I think people giving advice need to be objective, and certainly not judge the person who is seeking help. Furthermore ,I guess it would be very beneficial if the advisor had some first hand knowledge on the topic that they are being asked for advice on.”








Can we use technology to seek advice?


describe a time you gave advice to someone“Yes, I think for certain kinds of advice we can certainly find a lot of help through the internet, as well as researching a lot of first hand accounts of dealing with different problems. What’s more it’s possible to talk with people from all over the world, getting a lot of different viewpoints. 


However, for certain kinds of advice, I think it is better to seek the help of an expert in person, especially for something related to a medical condition, in which case I think it’s important to actually visit a doctor, rather than trusting advice from the internet, which can so often be very misleading or even fake.”









Do you think it’s better to seek advice from a family member or a friend?


Personally, I believe it often depends on the situation and the kind of advice being sought. Parents and grandparents of course know their children so well and are very often best suited to give advice.


However, sometimes people might not want to worry their parents or other family members, and choose instead to go to a friend for advice. For example if someone was having financial problems, they might seek some advice from a friend or colleague rather than burden their parents with the problem. “








More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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