Describe a surprise that made you happy-IELTS speaking

describe a surprise that made you happy
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Describe a surprise that made you happy – IELTS speaking 





Describe a surprise that made you happy.

You should say: 

  • When it was.
  • What it was.
  • Who was with you.

And explain why you felt happy about it.




describe a surprise that made you happy“I think one of the most pleasant surprises i had in recent memory would have to be a wonderful surprise i received from my parents about two years ago. It was on my 20th birthday, and I remember at that time I wasn’t able to go home to celebrate as I had some important exams coming up in college, and I was actually feeling a little homesick. 


The day started like any other day, and it really didn’t feel like my birthday, but then out of the blue I received a message to go to the mailroom as there was a package waiting for me. I quickly went to find it, with great anticipation, wondering what it might be. 


It was a box, neatly wrapped with a birthday card stuck  on top, which I opened first. The card was from my parents wishing me a happy birthday, saying how proud of me they were and hoping I would like the gift. I now really couldn’t  wait to see what was inside the box, and opened it right there in the mailroom. I was blown away by what I found inside the box, and really couldn’t believe my eyes, when I discovered the laptop of my dreams. 


I was absolutely dumb struck to receive such a wonderful surprise, and was over the moon with joy. I immediately phoned my parents to express my happiness and appreciation for such an amazing gift………. words actually failed me when my mother answered the phone, but of course she understood how happy I was.


Thank you.”









Idioms to express surprise



  • Out of the blue


When something happens very suddenly and is unexpected.


They were enjoying a wonderful day at the beach, when it suddenly started to rain out of the blue.”


  • Blown away


If you say that you are blown away by something, or if it blows you away, you mean that you are very impressed by it.


I was blown away by the new Tom Cruise movie.”


  • Can’t believe my eyes


Used for emphasising that you are extremely surprised or angry about something you have seen or heard.


“I couldn’t believe  my eyes when I saw his amazing football skills.”


  • Dumb struck


 To not be able to speak after hearing something surprising or shocking.


He was dumb struck when he got the restaurant bill, and saw it was for over $500!”


  • Words fail me


Used to describe someone that can no longer talk because they are so surprised by something that they can’t think of any words to describe how they feel.


How did you feel when you won the lottery? Words failed me!”







Part 3 questions – Describe a surprise that made you happy.





Have the kind of things that make people happy changed compared to the past?


describe a surprise that made you happyThat’s a good question, and personally I think yes, it has changed quite a bit, especially when it comes to young people. I feel young people today are much more materialistic than in the past, and very often base happiness on material things, for example having the latest mobile phone or designer clothes.


I guess a lot of this is due to the world we live in today, where marketing is everywhere we look and impossible to escape. Furthermore , social media doesn’t help and often shows young people a very unrealistic view of what true happiness is about.


Having said that, I’m sure that this is not always the case, and that many young people can still find happiness in the simple things, such as family love, friendship and they don’t fall into this media trap. “








Do you think being unhappy could harm a person’s health?



describe a surprise“Yes, certainly…. I believe that being unhappy or depressed can be very harmful to a person’s health, both mentally and physically. I also think that this is something that governments and schools need to take very seriously, and try to help and give support to people who suffer from unhappiness or depression. 


I think it’s very important for people, especially young people, to always  have someone to talk to in confidence, and to receive help for what can be a very serious problem. On top of that, schools should put more emphasis on the students’ happiness, and not just concentrate on exam results, which often just leads to more unnecessary  pressure and unhappiness.”








In what way do people in your country express happiness?


describe a happy surprise“I guess people here, like people anywhere in the world, express and show their happiness in a number of different ways. I think just about everybody will express happiness and joy through a simple smile, both young and old alike. However, if people really want to show their appreciation for something especially happy, they will often give a gift, such as a bouquet of flowers, or perhaps a bottle of nice wine. 


Another popular way for people to express their happiness today, especially for younger people, is to post their feelings on social media, where they can show the whole world how happy they are. …..So, there are a number of ways people like to express their joy, and I guess it often depends on the individual or the occasion. “









More IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers



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