Describe a speech you gave

describe a speech you made
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Describe a speech you gave – IELTS speaking part 2






Describe a speech you gave

You should say:

  • When it was
  • What it was about
  • Why you had to give it

And explain how you felt about it







part 2 a speech you gaveI can still remember when I was a sophomore in high school, I had to give a speech in front of my classmates. It was for a public speaking class and the assignment was to deliver a five minute speech on a topic of my choice. I remember It was nerve-wracking to say the least, but I was determined to do my best. 


I chose to speak about the recent changes to our school’s dress code and why I thought it was important for students to take pride in their appearance. I was a bit of a rebel back then, so it was a bit ironic for me to be talking about something so “establishment”, but I was genuinely passionate about the topic. 


I spent a few long nights working on, and preparing my speech, after which I practised it in front of my family a few times, until I was able to learn it by heart. When the day finally arrived, I was an absolute bundle of nerves. I felt like my heart was in my throat and my palms were sweating buckets. All I could do was take a deep breath and dive in


To my surprise, I made it through the speech without any major blunders. I even managed to get a few laughs out of my classmates. The speech was well received, which made me feel like a million bucks.


In the end, the speech was a huge confidence booster for me, and It taught me the value of practice and preparation, as well as helping me to learn that public speaking isn’t as daunting as it seems. It’s funny how things work out sometimes.


Thank you.”





  • Idioms


The idiom “nerve-wracking” is used to describe an anxious or stressful situation. For example: “My first job interview was really nerve-wracking.”


The phrase “the establishment” refers to the existing power structure, especially one that is resistant to change. For example, “The new mayor was elected on a platform of challenging the establishment.”


To learn by heart means to memorize something. For example, “I learned my lines by heart for the audition.”


The idiom “a bundle of nerves” means to be extremely anxious or nervous. For example, “She was a bundle of nerves before her speech, but she managed to pull it off.”


My heart was in my throat is an idiom used to describe the feeling of extreme anxiety or fear. For example: “When I had to give my speech in front of the class, my heart was in my throat.”


Sweating buckets is an idiom that means to be extremely nervous or anxious. For example, “I was sweating buckets before my job interview.”


The idiom “feel like a million bucks” means to feel extremely good or confident. For example, “After giving my speech, I felt like a million bucks.”


A blunder is an error or mistake, usually made in an embarrassing or awkward situation. For example: “It was a huge blunder when I accidentally told my boss that I didn’t like my job.


Daunting means to be intimidating or overwhelming. For example, “Public speaking can be quite daunting for someone who has never done it before.”





Describe a speech you gave – IELTS speaking part 3





Why do you think that people are often afraid of speaking in public?


a time you gave a speech“Well personally, I believe that people are often scared of speaking in public because it puts them in a very uncomfortable and vulnerable position. It can be really intimidating to be in front of a large group of people and be expected to deliver a speech, especially if you’re not used to it. 


As well as that, I guess the fear of public speaking is rooted in the fear of being judged and evaluated by other people. We naturally want to make a good impression and the thought of making a mistake in front of a large audience can be terrifying. 


I think It’s pretty normal to feel anxious or scared before giving a speech, but with practice and preparation, those feelings can be overcome, so It’s important to remember that everyone has the capacity to become a great public speaker.”





Do you think it’s good for children to learn to speak in public?


Yes, absolutely, I think it’s essential for children to learn how to speak in public. It helps them to develop key communication skills that will benefit them in many aspects of their lives.


 Not only will they learn how to compose themselves in front of an audience, they will also learn how to express their ideas and opinions in an articulate manner. 


As well as that, public speaking can give children the confidence boost they need to take on any challenge in their futures. 


I know from personal experience that public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s worth it in the end. Knowing how to speak in public is an invaluable skill and I believe every child should have the opportunity to learn it.”





Do students in your country usually learn how to make a speech?


“In my country, public speaking is not something that is usually taught in schools. However, many students are exposed to it through extracurricular activities such as debate teams and student councils.


Personally, I think this is a great way to learn the basics of public speaking, as it gives students an opportunity to practise and gain confidence in their ability to speak in front of an audience. I know it has helped me become a more confident speaker and I am grateful for the experience.”





What qualities do you think a good public speaker needs?


describe a speech you gave ielts speaking part 2“Oh wow! Let me think about that….I guess a good public speaker needs to have strong communication skills, great confidence, and the ability to connect with their audience. 


I think they should be able to speak clearly and concisely, as well as be able to express their ideas in an engaging way. 


On top of that,they should also be able to think quickly on their feet and be comfortable with the unexpected.


 Most importantly, they should be passionate about the topic they’re speaking about and able to convey that passion to their audience. With these qualities, a public speaker can truly captivate and inspire their audience.”





What qualities do you think a good university lecturer needs?


“Well, personally, I think a good university lecturer needs a few key qualities. First, they need to be extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their subject matter, which will help them engage students and make the learning experience more enjoyable.


 As well as that, they need to be organised and have good time-management skills so that they can effectively plan and execute their lectures.


On top of that,I think they need to be very patient and understanding, which will help them create a positive learning environment and make students feel comfortable enough to ask questions and express their opinions. 


All in all,I believe a good university lecturer should be knowledgeable, organised, and patient.”







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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