Describe a popular person in your country

describe a popular person in your country
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Describe a popular person in your country – IELTS speaking part 2






Describe a popular/well known person in your country


You should say:

  • Who the person is
  • How you know of this person
  • What this person has done

And explain why they are so popular







describe a popular/famous person in vietnam

“An extremely popular and much loved person in Vietnam these days is Park Hang Seo, who’s the coach of the national football team, and has taken Vietnamese football to new heights in recent years. Although he hails from South Korea, he’s become an adopted son of Vietnam, and a household name all over the country, loved by every man, woman and child.


To be honest I had never heard of him until he was announced as the new national coach in 2017, and even then I didn’t pay much attention, as Vietnamese football was nothing to write home about. Within only a year, he took the under 23 team to an asian cup final, which was way beyond anybody’s expectations or wildest dreams. 


I guess you could say he helped create an exciting new era in Vietnamese football, which really grabbed the imagination of the people, and the whole country got behind the team. 


I think the main reason he has become so popular is that the success he has brought to the team has brought a great sense of pride, as well as putting Vietnamese football back on the map.


Even the Vietnamese government awarded him a state badge of honour for his unbelievable achievements , making him the first foreigner to receive such an award.


Another reason he’s so popular is that he’s also an extremely down to earth character, who really cares about the team, as well as showing genuine appreciation towards the millions of football fans throughout the country….. and has really won the hearts and minds of every last person in Vietnam.


Thank you.”













  • A household name


A person or thing that is well known by the public


After the success of her first song, she quickly became a household name throughout the country.”


  • Nothing to write home about


We can use this to express that something is not so good or special.


“It’s a very expensive restaurant, but the food is nothing to write home about.”


  • In one’s wildest dreams


If you say that you could not imagine a particular thing in your wildest dreams, you are emphasising that you think it is extremely strange or unlikely.


“Not in my wildest dreams did I think that the Vietnamese football team could ever get to an asian cup final.”


  • To put something on the map


To make a thing, person or place famous


“The incident got on the national news and put our community on the map.”

  • Down to earth

This can be used to describe a person who is practical and unpretentious. 

“Although she’s a famous pop star, she has remained very down to earth.”


  • To win the hearts and minds

This means to appeal to people’s emotions and intellectual thinking. To gain people’s love and affection.

“By winning two gold medals in the Olympics, he won the hearts and minds of the country.”








Describe a popular/well known person in your country – part 3




What qualities can help a person be popular?



describe a famous person in your country“I think firstly that a person should be very honest and genuine, as nobody likes a fake person or somebody they feel they can’t trust. What’s  more, people are generally attracted to someone who is genuinely friendly and considerate. Furthermore , it’s important to smile a lot, as people want to be around someone who is happy. I guess if someone is funny, it will also help them to become more popular as just about everyone loves a person who can make them laugh.”









In what ways do you think popular stars influence teenagers?


“Well, I believe that celebrities can and do influence teenagers in a number of ways, both positively and negatively. I think many stars today really flaunt or show off their status, and often influence young people to value superficial  things, such as brand names or fashion. On top of that they sometimes normalise or even encourage negative behaviour … ..for instance smoking, drugs or even fighting, all of which are of course a very bad example to impressionable teenagers.


Having said that, there are some celebrities or stars today who are I think suitable role models for teenagers, and are positive role models. There are celebs who promote hard work and dedication, or perhaps do a lot of great work for charity. I also believe it’s very important for teenagers to understand the differences between these kinds of stars, and which role models they should be following.”







What are some advantages and disadvantages of being a star?


describe a popular person in vietnam“I think being a celebrity or star certainly has its pros and cons, especially in this day and age, living in a digital world with very little privacy. I guess one big advantage of being famous is that it normally comes with a lot of money, which gives stars many privileges that most people could ever have in their wildest dreams


Mind you, there are of course a number of disadvantages……For example, most celebrities have very little privacy, and everybody, especially the paparazzi wants to know what you are doing at all times. Furthermore people are always judging celebrities, which puts a pressure on them in every aspect of their life. 


On top of that, I think it might be difficult for a celebrity to really know who their true friends are, as being famous is always going to attract a lot of fake friends.”






What kind of people/students  are popular in the workplace?


“I think the most important trait would be to be honest and genuine, as I mentioned earlier, because nobody likes a fake. As well as that I guess it would be a good thing to be resourceful, with an ability to find solutions to different problems that colleagues might have. 


What’s more it’s important to be a fun person, as nobody wants to spend all day around someone who is always serious and boring. Being able to make people smile and laugh, while still remaining productive, would make anyone popular in the workplace I believe.”







More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers




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Part 2 and 3 example answers







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