Describe a place you visited and the air was polluted

Describe a place you visited and the air was polluted
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Describe a place you visited and the air was polluted







Describe a place you visited and the air was polluted

You should say:

  • Where it was
  • When you went there
  • Why the air was polluted

And explain how you felt about it






a polluted place ielts cue card“I recently visited the city of ________ in _________, and it was one of the most polluted places I’ve ever been to. I had gone there for some sightseeing, and I was really looking forward to exploring the city. Little did I know that the air quality would be so bad.


I remember, as soon as I stepped off the plane, the smell of air pollution hit me like a ton of bricks. I could feel the smog and the toxins settling in my lungs, and my throat felt tight and choked. Everywhere I looked, there were cars and buses spewing out thick clouds of exhaust and the air was thick with smoke.


It was actually a very unpleasant experience and I felt suffocated the entire time I was there. The air was so polluted that it was almost hard to breathe at times. I felt like I was walking in a fog and it was almost like the city was shrouded in a layer of smog.


The worst part was that this kind of air pollution was considered normal in this city, especially at this time of year,and nobody seemed to be doing anything about it. It was actually quite a depressing experience, and it made me realise how much damage we can do to our environment when we don’t take care of it.


I was only in ___________i for a few days, but it was enough to make me appreciate the clean air back home even more. As well as that,It was a real wake-up call for me, and it made me realise how important it is to be conscious of our actions and how they can contribute to air pollution.


Thank you.”







  • Hit me like a ton of bricks


The idiom “to hit me like a ton of bricks” means to have a strong emotional or physical impact on someone. For example, when I heard about my grandmother’s death, it hit me like a ton of bricks.


  • Spewing out


Spewing out means to rapidly and forcefully eject something. For example, “The volcano was spewing out ash and lava.”








Describe a place you visited and the air was polluted – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think that there is more air pollution today than in the past?


“Yes, I definitely think there is more pollution today than in the past. For example, the air quality in many cities has gotten worse due to increased traffic and emissions from factories.


 As well as that, our oceans are filled with plastic and other forms of pollution which is harmful to marine life. 


Personally, I think It’s really heartbreaking to see the destruction humans have caused to our environment. I believe we really need to take responsibility and take action to reduce pollution before it gets even worse.”






How do you think that we could reduce air pollution?


a place you visited with bad air pollution“I think there are a  number of things we could, and absolutely must try to do. Firstly, we should invest more in renewable energy sources such as solar, and wind power to replace the use of fossil fuels.


 On top of that, we should promote and encourage people to use public transport more. People should also be encouraged to start cycling, and walking over using cars for travelling shorter distances. 


What’s more we could also encourage people to reduce their energy consumption by switching off lights and appliances when not in use, as well as trying to  reduce the amount of waste produced and encourage people to recycle and compost. 


To be honest, this is something I feel very strongly about,and I’m passionate about protecting our environment from air pollution. I strongly believe that we must all work together to reduce air pollution and make our planet a better place for future generations.”






Do you think it’s important for children to learn about the harm pollution causes?


“Absolutely, personally, I believe it’s incredibly important for kids to learn about the harm pollution can, and does cause. 


Pollution is an extremely serious issue that affects our environment, animals, and even our own health. 


For example, polluted air can cause respiratory problems, water pollution can contaminate drinking supplies and lead to health issues. On top of that, soil pollution can cause land to become unusable for farming.


So, yeah, It’s absolutely vital for children to learn about the effects of pollution so they can understand why it’s important to reduce, reuse, and recycle.


 I feel that it’s important to teach children the dangers of pollution so they can protect our environment and our health for generations to come.”






Do you think that the air is cleaner or dirtier in the countryside?


ielts speaking pollutionGenerally speaking,I definitely think the air is cleaner in the countryside. When in the countryside, people can take a deep breath and not have to worry about pollution or car exhaust fumes.


On top of that, It’s so peaceful and serene, with the sound of birds chirping and the smell of grass and flowers in the air. Personally,I even feel more relaxed and energized after being out and about in more rural areas.


 Generally, there’s no comparison between the fresh air of the countryside and the polluted air of the city. As well as that, you can usually see a lot more stars in the night sky because there isn’t as much  pollution as in the cities. It’s definitely a much cleaner and healthier environment!”








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers



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