Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity

Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity
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Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity






Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity

You should say:

  • Where it is
  • What activity you do at this pla
  • How often you go there

And explain why you like this place





Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity“I’m extremely lucky to live in a very nice suburban area that has a lot of places that are very suitable for different kinds of outdoor activities. My absolute favourite place to go for any form of outdoor activity is a very big and beautiful public park, which is just a stone’s throw from my home.


The park is known as swan lake park, and has an enormous lake as its centrepiece, and is actually home to some beautiful white swans. The lake has a lovely path all the way around, which is just perfect to take a nice stroll or some jogging, especially on a nice summer evening. 


At one end of the lake there’s a really beautiful barbeque area, where I love to go with some friends on a Sunday afternoon, and grill some of our favourite food, in the beautiful surroundings.


I really do love this place and try to go there at least once or twice a week, whether it’s just to have a nice relaxing stroll around the lake, or to meet up with some friends for a bit of outdoor barbecuing.


Another great thing about the park is that you can do just about any activity under the sun. For just a few dollars you can enjoy a relaxing boat ride on the lake, try your luck at a spot of fishing, or just enjoy a nice afternoon cooking some barbeque with friends or family.












  • A stone’s throw


To be a very short distance away


“My school is just a stone’s throw from my house, and I can walk there in just 5 minutes.”


  • To stroll / to take a stroll


To walk in a leisurely or relaxing way


“I love to go for a nice relaxing stroll in the park after dinner.”






Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity – Part 3




What outdoor activities are popular in your country?


IELTS speaking outdoor activities“I guess there are so many different kinds of outdoor activities popular these days. A lot of people love going to their local park for a stroll, especially in the evening time after dinner. Another outdoor activity that has grown in popularity in recent years is cycling, which I think is a suitable activity for just about anyone, both young and old alike.


Having said that, I think that the kind of outdoor activities people do depends a lot on where they live. For instance if people live near the coast, they can enjoy going to the beach for some exercise or to take a swim. However, for people living in bigger cities, there are  not always so many options, and they are limited to just going to the local park for any form of outdoor activity.”








Do you think that people who try adventurous activities are more likely to succeed?


“To be honest, I don’t think this is necessarily true, and there are I believe so many examples of successful people in every walk of life who have never tried any kind of extreme or adventurous activity. I’m pretty sure there are many successful doctors, scientists and businessmen out there who have absolutely no interest in any kind of sports, or physical activity. 


Mind you, I’m sure there are some examples of successful people who have enjoyed some adventurous activities, but to be honest I really can’t think of any.”







What kinds of outdoor activities do young people in your country like to do?


“I think the most popular outdoor activity for young people today has to be cycling, and on any given evening of the week, you can see so many kids and teenagers out on their bikes. As well as that, a lot of young people enjoy going for an evening stroll in the evenings, often with their parents or other family members.


Having said that, many young people today have a very busy and hectic schedule, often with lots of work pressure, and don’t often have the time or energy for any outdoor activities. What’s more, a lot of youngsters today, especially teens, would rather stay at home playing computer games or watching TV, instead of getting out for some exercise, which of course is not a good thing.






Do you think it’s important for children to take part in outdoor activities?


Describe a place where you go to do an outdoor activity“Yes, I believe it’s extremely important for children to get outside and have some great outdoor adventures, especially these days. Kids today spend so much time staring at electronic devices, such as phones, tablets, TV and  more, which cannot be good for their health or quality of life.


I think that playing outside must be good for their physical development, and I’m sure that kids who are active in early life will engage in exercise in their future lives.


What’s more, taking part in outdoor activities will also help children to develop their social skills,as they will learn to communicate with others, as well as making new friends.


On top of that, I believe it’s very important for children to learn to appreciate the environment, and learn to value nature, and encourage them to care about the environment in later life.”






more links to part 2 and part 3 example answers




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