Describe a piece of technology you find difficult to use

Describe a piece of technology you find difficult to use
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Describe a piece of technology you find difficult to use.




Describe a piece of technology you find difficult to use

You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you got it
  • What you find difficult

And explain how you feel about it





Example 1.


describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use“It all started when I bought one of the latest  fancy gaming systems that promised to provide hours of entertainment. I just had to have it, and I was so excited to get it home and start playing but  quickly realized I was in over my head. 


The gaming system was full of bells and whistles. It had so many features and options that I felt like I was in a minefield. I was constantly pressing buttons and trying to figure out what each one did. Everything was so confusing and I just couldn’t wrap my head around it.


 The more I tried to use the gaming system, the more frustrated I became. I was determined to figure it out and I spent days trying to get the hang of it. I was determined to get my money’s worth, so I kept at it. 


Eventually I was able to get the hang of the gaming system, but I still found it difficult to use. It was like I was speaking a foreign language and I could never quite understand the instructions. I spent hours troubleshooting and trying to figure out how to make it work. I eventually got it running, but I still find it difficult to use.


 I think I just have to accept that I’m not as tech savvy as some people and move on. I’m glad I didn’t give up though, as I now have hours of enjoyment from this gaming system. I’m still learning how to use it and I’m sure I’ll get better with time. It’s been a long journey, but I’m glad I stuck with it.


Thank you.”






In over one’s head


In over one’s head means to be in a situation that is beyond one’s capacity to understand or cope with. 


Example: Jane was in over her head when she decided to take on a project with no prior experience.


Bells and whistles


Bells and whistles refer to the added features of a product or service that are not necessary for its basic function but are included to make it more attractive or desirable. 


An example of a bell and whistle would be a feature on a computer which allows you to personalize the background image on the desktop.


A minefield


In a minefield is an idiom that is used to describe a situation that is fraught with danger, or one that is full of potential pitfalls.


 An example of this idiom would be: “Navigating the political landscape of the current government is like walking in a minefield – one wrong move and you could be in serious trouble.”


To be tech savvy


Tech savvy is the ability to understand and use modern technology. An example of this would be someone who is able to use the latest mobile devices and apps.





Example 2 – Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use 


a piece of technology that's difficult to use“When I first bought my laptop, I was so excited to finally have my own piece of technology. I had heard about how great laptops were, and how much easier they made life. I was determined to get the most out of my purchase, but what I wasn’t prepared for was how difficult it was to use.


 The laptop I bought was a mid-range model, with all the bells and whistles I wanted, but the down side was that it didn’t come with an instruction manual. I was left feeling like a fish out of water, completely lost in the world of technology. I was determined to get the hang of it, but I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall. 


My first mistake was not asking for help. I was so eager to get started, I thought I could figure it out myself. But I soon realized that was a mistake. I was struggling to figure out how to connect to the internet, install programs, and even open basic files. 


My head was spinning trying to understand the technical jargon, and I was getting frustrated with myself. It was only when I finally asked for help from friends and family that things began to make sense. They were able to explain the basics, and show me how to use the features of my laptop. With their help, I was able to conquer the learning curve and finally begin to get the most out of my laptop. Now, I’m more comfortable with technology and I’m grateful that I had the support I needed to get through my early struggles. 


Thank you.”







Like a fish out of water


This idiom means to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or out of place in a particular situation. 


Example: Although he was a great cook, when he was asked to help out in the accounting department, he felt like a fish out of water.


To bang one’s head against a brick wall


This idiom is used to describe an action that is futile and will not lead to a successful outcome. 


For example, “Trying to get the children to be quiet was like banging my head against a brick wall.


Technical jargon


Technical jargon is a type of language used to describe technical concepts and processes that are specific to a particular field. An example of technical jargon would be the term “bandwidth,” which refers to the capacity of a communication channel to transmit data.





Describe a piece of technology you find difficult to use – Part 3 questions




  • Why do you think that people often want to have the latest technological devices, such as the latest iphone etc.?


“Well personally, I think there are a number of reasons for this. Many people often want the latest technological devices because they are so convenient and very often make life easier. For example, the newest iPhone has features like Face ID and wireless charging which make using the phone faster and more convenient.


 As well as that, other devices, like smart watches, can track your activity and health, making it easier to stay healthy and motivated. 


What’s more, I guess technology is also a status symbol, and having the latest device may make you feel more attractive and desirable. 


On top of that, people often want the latest devices because of the excitement and anticipation of using something new. The excitement of using the newest device or seeing what new features it has can be a great motivator. 


Furthermore, many people want the latest technological devices because they are constantly improving and evolving. Technology is always advancing, and having the latest device can ensure that you have access to the newest features and capabilities.”





Do you think that it’s important for elderly people to learn how to use the latest technology?


old people use technologyYes, I absolutely believe it’s important for elderly people to learn to use the latest technology. While there are certainly some limits to what elderly people can safely do with technology, there are plenty of ways they can benefit from it. 


For example, using a laptop or tablet can help them stay connected with family and friends, as well as access news and entertainment. 


On top of that,they can also use smartphones to stay in touch with family and friends, as well as get help from apps like ride sharing services. 


Another plus is that, elderly people can use technology to better manage their health. For instance, they can use online communities to find support, as well as use medical devices or apps to track their health information.


 Overall, I believe that technology can help elderly people stay connected, informed, and healthy, and with the right guidance and support, elderly people can learn to use technology to enhance their quality of life.





Do you think that we rely too much on technology today?


Yes, I believe that we do rely too much on technology these days, and we are so used to having technology do all the work for us that we rarely take the time to think for ourselves anymore. 


For example, when we need to find something out, we turn to our phones and type it in a search. We don’t take the time to think through the problem and find the answer ourselves.


As well as that, we also rely on technology to communicate with each other. We use emails and text messages to communicate our thoughts and feelings, having less and less face-to-face contact than in the past. 


We use technology for so  many things today from  paying our bills to entertaining  ourselves, and just about everything else under the sun. 


Personally, I think that we have become so used to having technology do the work for us that we have forgotten the importance of thinking for ourselves, and with further developments in AI this could turn into a serious problem.


Of course, there is absolutely no doubt that technology is a great tool, but it should be used in moderation. We need to remember that we can do things for ourselves and not rely solely on technology.








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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