Describe a person you only met once and would like to know more

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Describe a person you only met once and would like to know more




Describe a person you only met once and would like to know more


You should say:

Who the person he/she is

When and where you met them

Why you would like to know more about him/her

And explain how you felt about this person





describe a person you only met once and would like to know more“A person I’d really love to meet again, and get to know more would have to be Dave, a real salt of the earth guy I actually met on the bus just the other day.  I live about 20 kilometres outside of Hanoi, and I often take the bus into the city when I have a free day. On this particular day, the bus was pretty full, and I remember at one of the many stops, this middle aged foreigner getting on the bus and asking the driver a question in perfect Vietnamese, which really caught my attention.


As it happened, the only empty seat on the bus was next to me, so we ended up sitting next to each other for the rest of the journey. We got chatting, and it turned out that he was from the UK, and had both lived and worked in Vietnam for many years. He told me how he had worked as a professor in one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam, but was now retired, living the life of riley. I found all of this very interesting, and really wanted to chat to him for longer, but unfortunately he had an appointment in the city, so we went our separate ways


Dave was one of the nicest and most down to earth guys i’ve ever met, and we really hit it off straight away. I loved his positive outlook on life and just knew he was one of those guys with lots of interesting stories to tell. Luckily , before he got off the bus we exchanged contact details, and agreed to meet up for a coffee sometime in the future, which I’m really looking forward to.


Thank you….”











  • Salt of the earth


If you describe a person as being the salt of the earth, you are saying that they are a very good and honest person.


My grandfather has worked hard all of his life for his family. He really is a salt of the earth guy.”


  • The life of Riley


a carefree, comfortable, and thoroughly enjoyable way of living


“Since winning the lottery, he has been living the life of Riley.”


  • Down to earth


This can be used to describe a person who is unpretentious and practical.


Even though he has made so much money and become so successful, he has always remained very down to earth.”


  • To hit it off


When two people like each other immediately, usually because of having lot’s in common.


“My college roommate and I hit it off the first time we met, and have remained close friends ever since.”







Describe a person you only met once and would like to know more – Part 3



How do people in your country make friends?


describe a person you met once and want to meet again“I think people can make friends in many different ways, and I guess it can differ for different age groups. Most children will generally forge long lasting relationships with their classmates, which often last long into their adult life. What’s more, many will make friends by joining extracurricular activities outside of school, for example sports clubs,art classes and more.  


A lot of older people will of course often form strong connections and friendships in the workplace, which can last a lifetime. On top of that people often like to join in or volunteer for community or charity activities, which is also a good way to increase your social circle. “








Do you think it’s important for people to have the same interests or hobbies in order to become friends?


“Well, personally, I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary for two people to have the exact same interests to become good friends. It might help at the beginning of a friendship, and enable them to hit it off from the start, but I think there are so many examples of good friends who have very different interests or hobbies. Furthermore , I think it can be  a very positive thing to have friends with different interests, as well as from different backgrounds, and can make life more interesting.”







What qualities make a good friend?


describe a person you only met once and want to meet again“I really think a true friend needs, first of all, to be dependable, and always be there when you might need them to give you some support. On top of that, I think they should be very trustworthy, as every relationship needs trust at its core. 


What’s more, I believe that all true relationships require the other person to accept who you are unconditionally.  Another thing I guess would be very important is that they are good listeners, as everybody needs someone to talk to about any problems or insecurities in their lives.”











Do you think it’s easier for young people to make friends than older people?


“I’m not really sure about this….but if i had to guess, I would say it’s maybe easier for young people to make friends, especially children. For children going to school, they are generally surrounded by other children of the same age, and many who will have the same interest, which I think makes it much easier to make friends.


On top of that, most parents and teachers will encourage children to make friends, and will often organise different kinds of activities to help children bond together.


Having said that, I guess it can be quite similar in a lot of workplaces today, and many companies organise team building days, with different activities to help colleagues become closer and build friendships.”







More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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