Describe a person who likes to grow plants

describe a person who likes to grow plants
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Describe a person who likes to grow plants/flowers – IELTS speaking part 2






Describe a person you know who likes to grow plants/flowers


You should say:


  • Who the person is
  • How you know this person
  • What types of plants/flowers do they grow


And explain how you feel about it





describe a person who likes to grow plants/flowers“A person I know who loves to grow plants would have to be my grandfather,who’s turned this hobby into an obsession ever since he retired. 


My grandparents live quite close to me, so I get to visit them at least 2 or 3 times a week. They have a  big old house, which has a lovely rooftop area that’s very suitable for growing lots of plants, and flowers. My grandfather really does have green fingers, and seems to have a knack for growing just about everything under the sun.


Over the years, he has turned the rooftop area into a virtual paradise that looks like some sort of mini botanical garden. To be honest, I know almost nothing about plants, and don’t have a clue what  the different names are. However, the one kind of flower I do recognize would be roses, and he grows a lot of beautiful roses , which look amazing when they bloom.


I love nothing more than chilling out on the rooftop on a nice sunny day, enjoying a cup of tea, surrounded by all of these beautiful plants and flowers. Sometimes I just sit and watch my grandfather fussing over the different plants like they are his babies, and seeing the great pride that he takes in taking care of them.


Thank you….”









  • To have green fingers

To be good at gardening and making plants grow.


“I really don’t have green fingers, and every time I buy a new plant, it dies in a few weeks.”


  • To have a knack for something


To be able to do something well. To have a natural talent for something.


My mother has a knack for making great cakes.”


  • Everything under the sun


Everything that exists or is possible. A great number of things.


Online shopping is great, it’s possible to  find everything under the sun.”


  • To not have a clue


To know nothing about something or how to do something.


My computer has become very slow lately, and I don’t have a clue how I can fix it.”


  • To chill out


To chill out means to relax or to calm down.


On weekends I love to chill out on my sofa while watching TV.”




Describe a person who likes to grow plants/flowers – IELTS speaking part 3




Why do you think many people like to have flowers in their homes?


describe a person you know who likes to grow flowers“Well, I guess the main reason is that flowers can make a home look more beautiful and elegant, which is something I think everybody wants. What’s more, some beautiful flowers not only brighten up a room, but can also help to brighten up your mood, and bring a smile to your face.


As well as that, flowers can always improve the smell in a room, for example many people enjoy the scent of roses, which can also help to improve people’s mood. On top of that, fresh flowers or plants can also help to filter or clean the air in a room, which of course is good for people’s health.”







Do people in your country often give flowers as a gift?


Yes, giving flowers as a gift is always a popular way to show appreciation or to say thank you to someone. For example on mothers day most children will give their mothers a bouquet of flowers to show their love. Very often people will bring some flowers as a gift when visiting someone’s home, especially if they have just recently moved in. 


Of course there’s also Valentine’s day, which has become so commercial, and the price of roses doubles overnight, which I think has really taken away any special meaning.”







Do you think that flowers/plants can affect people’s mood?


“Well, personally, I think that flowers can possibly have a positive effect on people’s mood. Flowers are beautiful, smell good and come in a variety of different colours, and I think people feel happier when they receive flowers. I think being surrounded by beautiful flowers can help to lift anyone’s mood as well as putting a smile on their face.”






Would you like to be a farmer?


describe a person who likes to grow plants“Oh, I don’t think it would be a suitable job for me, as I enjoy city life too much. I believe that the life of a farmer can be quite difficult, having to work long hours in all kinds of weather. What’s more the work can be very physical and tiring which I wouldn’t really enjoy. Furthermore , a farmer is often at the mercy of the weather, and can lose everything in a bad year, so I think the life of a farmer has too many ups and downs.


Having said that, i’m sure there are some parts of a farmer’s life that are very enjoyable and satisfying, such as having fresh vegetables to eat everyday, as well as being away from the noise and crowds of the city.”




Do you think that agriculture is important to a  country?


“Yes, I think that agriculture is extremely important to a country,and I believe that every country depends on agriculture in one way or another. Agriculture is the main source of our food supply, and without it, we would all go hungry. What’s more, agriculture can be very important for international trade, especially in developing countries, and it can provide a lot of revenue through exports. So yes in my opinion agriculture is of great importance to any country.”






More part 2 and part 3 example answers



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Describe a photo that you are proud of


Describe a popular person in your country


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Part 2 topics – updated part 2 topics







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