Describe a movie you watched and didn’t enjoy

describe a movie you watched and didn't enjoy
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Describe a movie you watched and didn’t enjoy – IELTS speaking part 2







  • Example 1


a movie you didn't likeI remember I watched a science fiction movie a few months ago, and it really didn’t do much for me. At the time, I was curious to see it because it was supposedly the biggest blockbuster of the year, and I thought it might be worth checking out, but, alas, it was a total flop


The movie had some great special effects, and the visuals were quite impressive, but the plot was so convoluted and hard to follow that it was almost like the filmmakers were trying to confuse the audience. 


As well as that, the dialogue was absolutely terrible, and it was filled with cliches and was totally unrealistic. The acting was also very wooden, and it seemed like the actors were just reading their lines off a sheet.


I really was so disappointed with the movie that I wanted to bang my head against the wall. It was a complete waste of my time, and I felt like it was a huge letdown. I’m still shocked that it was such a popular movie, as it was so bad that it made me wonder if I can trust the movie critics in the future.


Overall, the movie was a huge disappointment, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. IAs far as I’m concerned it was a complete waste of my time and money, and I’m still scratching my head as to why it was so highly acclaimed. I guess some movie critics just can’t be trusted.


Thank you.”




  • Idioms


A ‘blockbuster’A is an idiom used to describe something that is hugely popular and successful. Example: “The new Marvel movie was a blockbuster hit.”


A “flop” is an idiom used to describe something that fails or is unsuccessful. 


Example: “The new movie was a flop; only a handful of people went to see it in the theatre.”


A cliche is an overused phrase or expression. For example, “It’s the classic story of boy meets girl” is a cliche in the movie industry.


Wooden means to be stiff, awkward, or lacking in emotion or expression. Example: His performance in the movie was so wooden that it was hard to stay engaged.


To bang one’s head against the wall is an idiom used to describe a situation where someone is repeatedly attempting something that is ineffective or pointless. Example: The director felt like he was banging his head against the wall trying to make a successful movie.


To scratch one’s head is an idiom that means to show confusion or puzzlement. For example, “I was scratching my head, trying to figure out the answer to the maths problem.”





  • Example 2


a movie you didn't enjoyI actually watched a movie just a couple of weeks ago that I really didn’t enjoy at all. It was called “______________”, and  I actually had high hopes for it because I’d heard a lot of good things about it, but I was really let down.


I decided to watch it because I heard it was a classic and I wanted to be able to say I had seen it. As well as that, the trailer looked really good, and I had read some good reviews online, so I thought it would be worth a try.


I remember when I was watching it, I was just so bored, as  It was so slow-paced and stretched out. I really felt like the movie was dragging on forever and I just wanted it to end. There were actually some parts that were pretty interesting and kept my attention, but for the most part it was quite dull.


The characters in the movie weren’t very likeable either. I thought the main character was kind of a jerk and all of the other characters were shallow and one-dimensional. I just wasn’t able to relate to any of them and I really didn’t care what happened to them.


As well as that, the ending was really rushed and it seemed like they just wanted to wrap things up quickly. It was all too convenient and it felt like a cheap cop-out.


All in all, I was really disappointed with this movie, and it felt like I had wasted two hours of my life, so this is one movie that I would definitely not recommend to anyone.


Thank you.”




  • Idioms


A classic is an example of something that is widely accepted and admired. (a movie, a song, a book, a car etc.) Example: “The movie Casablanca is a classic.”


This idiom means to take a very long time to finish. Example: The meeting dragged on forever; we were all exhausted by the end.


This idiom means that someone has a pattern of behaviour that is always annoying or unpleasant and will likely never change. Example: “John is always so condescending; he’ll be a jerk forever.”







Describe a movie you watched and didn’t enjoy – IELTS speaking part 3.





What are some differences between watching a movie at home or watching a movie in the cinema?


“Personally, I think that watching a movie at home and watching a movie in the cinema are two completely different experiences.


 At home, you have the freedom to pause, rewind, or fast forward the movie anytime you please. As well as that, you can also pick out your snacks of choice without having to pay for overpriced cinema prices. 


On the other hand, going to the movies is usually a much more immersive experience. You get to sit in a comfortable theatre seat with a big screen and surround sound. 


What’s more, being around other people who are excited to watch the same movie can be really fun. 


Personally, I prefer going to the cinema to watch a movie because of the big screen and the atmosphere, and  It just feels like a special occasion.”





Why do you think that there are less people going to the cinema these days?


film you didn't enjoy“That’s a good question, and I think maybe, less people go to the cinema these days because of the convenience of streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. 


People can now watch movies and TV shows from their own homes without having to leave the house. 


As well as that, It’s also cheaper than going to the cinema, and you can watch a variety of different films rather than just those playing in the cinema.


 There’s also the added bonus of not having to worry about finding a parking space or paying for overpriced snacks. 


Having said that, I personally love going to the cinema but, I can understand why a lot of people are choosing to stay at home and watch movies instead.”





What kinds of movies do you think are popular these days?

“Well, I guess it kind of depends, but it really seems like superhero movies are super popular these days. Many people love to watch their favourite superheroes come to life on the big screen and join forces to save the world. 


For example, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been incredibly successful with films like Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and the Avengers. 


As well as superhero films, another popular genre is action movies. Most action movies are filled with intense scenes, explosions, and crazy stunts, which is something that so many people enjoy. For example, movies like Mission Impossible, Fast and Furious, and Die Hard are all beloved by fans.


 Another genre of movies that I think are always popular is comedies, which I think people of all ages love to watch. Movies like Pitch Perfect, Zoolander, and Bridesmaids are hilarious and always keep movie fans entertained. 


I think it’s great how there is something for everyone out there, no matter what type of movie you’re into.”





What are some differences between reading a book or watching the book in movie form?


a movie you didn't like“Personally, I believe there are some differences….. First and foremost, I believe that reading the book forces us to use our imaginations more than watching a movie. On top of that, we get to form our own detailed picture of the story’s central character. However, reading a book can be difficult at times, and I believe that many people abandon it before finishing it because it takes a long time.

On the other hand, watching a movie is simple and allows us to save a lot of time, which I believe is important to many people in the information age. Furthermore, while watching a movie, we are able to multitask and do other things such as work on an assignment or prepare dinner.”







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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