Describe a long walk you had

describe a long walk you had
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Describe a long walk you had – IELTS speaking part 2 and 3 example answers






Describe a long walk you had


You should say:


  • When it was
  • Where you walked
  • Who you were with


And explain how you felt about it





describe a long walk you ever hadI really love the great outdoors, so going for long walks is something I enjoy doing on a regular basis. The one walk that really stands out was actually a spur of the moment idea that turned into a much longer walk than I expected.  It was sometime last March, and the weather was absolutely perfect for some outdoor adventure. 


There’s a beautiful national park only a stone’s throw from where I live, that is very secluded and a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The park is full of tracks and trails that go through the jungle, as well as a small  mountain, which is famous for its wild monkeys and other wildlife.


As it was a spur of the  moment decision I decided to go alone, and set off about 6am, as the route I took was really off the beaten track, and was not going to be a walk in the park. Looking at the distance on google maps, I guessed it would take me about 3 hours to complete, but I hit a few snags along the way. The first track I took was completely overgrown, and slowed me down to a snail’s crawl, and it took me almost 2 hours longer than I expected to reach the mountain. 


By the time I reached the mountain I was already dead tired and I remember I had to spend some time sitting under the shade of the trees to catch my breath, and decided the best thing to do was call it a day, and make my way back. It was also now getting very hot, and i was already covered in sweat, which was going to make the walk back even harder.


Although the walk was totally exhausting, and left me dead on my feet, I did in fact enjoy most of it, especially the beautiful scenery, and the feeling of being at one with nature. However , I think next time I should maybe  plan my route a little better, and be better prepared.


Thank you …”











Idioms – Describe a long walk you had


  • Spur of the moment


To do something or make a decision without any planning.


“We hadn’t planned on going away for the weekend, it was just one of those spur of the moment ideas.



  • A stones throw


A very short distance


“My school is just a stone’s throw from my home, and I can walk there in 5 minutes.”



  • Hustle and bustle


A large amount of busy and noisy activity, usually in a city.


On weekends I love to travel into the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.”



  • To set off


The meaning here is to start a journey


“It’s a 5 hour drive to the city, so we will need to set off early in the morning.”


  • Off the beaten track



To describe a place that is a little remote or far from where many people live. 


“I don’t enjoy visiting places that are crowded with tourists, and prefer to go to places off the beaten track.”



  • A snag

A snag is usually an unexpected  hidden obstacle or problem


“My plans for a nice relaxing night at home hit a snag when my next door neighbour started to play loud music all night.”



  • At a snails crawl

describe a long walk you ever tookThis means to move very slowly


“During rush hour the traffic moves at a snails crawl.”











  • Catch one’s breath


To rest or relax after exercise to restore normal breathing


“After running to catch the bus, she took a few moments to catch her breath.”



  • To call it a day


This means to stop doing something, usually because you are tired or bored with it, or you think you have done enough.


“OK, it’s 7.30, I think we have done enough work for one day, let’s call it a day and go home.”



  • Dead on one’s feet


This just simply means to be very tired or exhausted.


By the end of the long working day, I was dead on my feet.






Describe a long walk you (ever) had – IELTS speaking part 3





1.Is walking popular in your country?



describe a long walk you had“Yes, generally speaking, walking is a very popular activity here, and is something that people of all ages can enjoy, without having any cost. On any given evening in my hometown, the parks will be thronged with locals out for some exercise or a relaxing stroll with friends or family. 


I guess walking is most popular with the older generation, as many young people today prefer to go to the gym for exercise, or maybe are too exhausted after a long day at work. 


What’s more the government has recently developed more pedestrian streets in the bigger cities, which of course provide even more opportunities for people to enjoy taking a walk, after a long day.”







2.Are there enough places for people to walk in your city?


“Well, yes, I think there are plenty of places to enjoy a walk in my city, especially in the evening time, when most of the traffic is gone, and the cool evening breeze makes it very comfortable. 


On top of that, many of the older city streets are now closed to traffic in the evenings, which gives people a great chance to explore the city on foot, as well as getting some exercise. 


Having said that, there are not so many places to walk during the daytime, with heavy traffic and crowded pavements. On top of that, I think the government perhaps needs to do more to protect green areas and parks, to make sure future generations still have somewhere to walk or exercise.”







3.What outdoor activities do people in your country enjoy?


describe a long walk you ever had“Oh, I think people enjoy many different kinds of activities these days, and it often depends on the location or age group. Generally, many older or elderly people love going to the many public parks in the early morning and evenings, where they can maybe practice some yoga, tai chi or just have a good walk.


A lot of younger people enjoy more strenuous or physical activities, for example hiking has become very popular, as well as other activities such as cycling or even some extreme sports. Many families like to have a day out in one of the. many big parks, and often enjoy a barbecue or picnic.


However, I think a lot of the younger generation, especially teenagers, don’t take part in enough outdoor activities, and rather spend their time at home playing computer games, or watching the latest tik tok videos. I really think more should be done to encourage these youngsters to get out and enjoy more physical exercise, which of course would be very beneficial for them.”





4.Have the kind of outdoor activities that children do today changed from the past?


Well, personally, I think that perhaps there have been some significant changes, especially when it comes to the amount of time children spend outdoors today. I think in the past children had a lot less pressure than today, especially in their school life. In the past kids spent a lot more time outdoors, playing simple games like hide and seek, tag or just running around.  


However, these days, it seems like children have much less free time, and don’t spend so much time taking part in outdoor activities. Furthermore, living in a digital age, I think too many young kids today spend their time glued to a computer or mobile phone screen, playing computer games. I really believe that parents and teachers should try and do more to encourage kids to enjoy more outdoor activities, which of course would also be much more beneficial to their health.”






more links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers



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More Part 2 and 3 example answers






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