Describe a happy experience from your childhood

describe a happy experience from your childhood
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Describe a happy experience from your childhood – IELTS speaking part 2







Describe a happy experience from your childhood

You should say:


  • What it was
  • When it was
  • Who it was with

And explain why you remember it







a happy childhood experience you remember“One of my happiest childhood memories has to be my first trip to the beach. It was about four or five years ago when I was just a little kid, and I still remember it like it was yesterday


I had begged my parents to take me to the beach for months, so when I finally got to go I was over the moon. I remember we rented a beautiful beachfront house for the weekend and it was such an exciting experience. There were so many new, and fun activities to do from body surfing in the waves to collecting sea shells.


Every minute I spent during those few days was filled with delight and adventure. From building giant sandcastles, to splashing around in the water, and collecting seashells, the holiday kept getting better and better. The really neat part was that I got to do  all of these exciting activities with my family, and that’s why it still remains one of my favourite memories.


The food was absolutely amazing as well. Eating seafood barbeques and all the locally caught fish was a real treat. 


I still remember this trip so fondly, and It was like it sent the childhood memories flooding right back. Even now, when I’m feeling a bit down, I just think about my first trip to the beach and it instantly lifts my spirits. It’s almost as if it was my own little slice of paradise.


Thank you.”






The idiom “like it was yesterday” is used to indicate that one remembers an event very vividly, as though it had just recently occurred. Example: I can still remember my first chemistry class like it was yesterday.


The idiom “over the moon” means to be extremely happy or delighted. For example, “When she got accepted to her dream college, she was over the moon.”


The idiom “to lift one’s spirits” means to make someone feel better, happier, or more encouraged. Example: My brother always knows how to lift my spirits when I’m feeling down.


The idiom “a slice of paradise” is used to describe a place or situation that is filled with happiness and contentment. For example, “We had a wonderful week on our holiday – it was truly a slice of paradise”.





Describe a happy experience from your childhood – IELTS speaking part 3






Do you think that children’s lives today are different from the past?


“Definitely! I mean, back in the good old days kids were actually encouraged to go out and play. You’d get scratched up and muddy but it was only a small price to pay for the thrill of playing! 


However, nowadays, parents take a much stricter stance and almost wrap kids up in cotton wool, opting for a lot of indoor activities. 


Having said that, a lot of children now have access to technology like cell phones and computers – something that didn’t even exist years ago.


 They have way more entertainment options, and can take part in so many different activities, from organized sports to joining online communities and so much more. I guess we could argue that this makes their lives so much richer in comparison to the past generations, but personally I think it was more fun in the past.”


  • Idioms


The idiom “in the good old days” is used to refer to a past time that was seen as better than the current time. An example sentence is: “In the good old days, kids used to play tag outside instead of sitting on their phones all day.”


To wrap someone up in cotton wool means to be overly protective of them and stop them from taking risks. For example, “My parents always wrap me up in cotton wool, they never let me stay out past 11PM”.






Why do you think many people often look back at their childhood as a perfect time?


describe a happy childhood event“Personally, I think people often look back at their childhood as a perfect time because it was a time of less stress and responsibility that comes with everyday adult life.


 They only had to worry about schoolwork and having fun, and  It was a much simpler, innocent time.


As well as that, I guess those childhood memories often become nostalgic and romanticised in our minds.


 As adults, life can be so busy and hectic , with so much responsibility and stress, and it’s nice to reminisce about the simpler days of childhood.


 On top of that, childhood generally meant no bills, no problems and generally lots of noodles and sweets!  It was an age when you could do whatever you wanted! 


For me, I was always carefree and happy during my childhood and I’ll never forget those fun memories!”





What kinds of activities are popular with children today?


I think that kids today are a lot different than kids a few decades ago. With the development of technology, activities like playing video games, watching streaming television on apps, and using social media are very popular. 


Mind you, kids also still enjoy physical activities like sports,or hanging out with friends. 

Personally, I think technology has opened a whole world of entertainment for kids and it’s great! Children have access to so many more resources for fun than there used to be. However, I believe it is very important for children to find a healthy balance, and not spend all their time indoors glued to a screen”.  


Glued to a screen is an idiom used to describe someone who spends a lot of time looking at TV, video games, and other screen-based media. For example, “My kids always seem to be glued to a screen, no matter what I do!”





What are some examples of happy events in a child’s life?


a happy childhood experience“I think a child’s life is full of exciting, happy events! From their first steps to their first day of school, there’s plenty of special milestones and moments to look forward to.


I guess,In the past, something as simple as going to the park with friends was a special event. Now, a child may have a birthday party with all their classmates or go to an amusement park. 


As well as that, other special events like getting a new pet, travelling and making new friends can all bring a child joy. 


Seeing loved ones all together for the holidays or even watching a favourite movie with family are events that never grow old.


 Overall, I think  when it comes to kids, the moments that bring them happiness last a lifetime.”


A “milestone” is an idiomatic expression referring to a significant event or accomplishment which marks a turning point or is a cause for celebration. For example, “Graduating from college was a milestone in my life.”








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers




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