Describe a friend you like to talk with

describe a friend you like to talk to
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Describe a friend you like to talk with – IELTS speaking part 2 and 3






Describe a friend you like to talk with


You should say:

Who the friend is 

What you like to talk about

Why you like to talk to this friend

And explain how you feel about him/her





describe a friend you like to chat to“A friend I really love talking to is Dave, who’s been my best buddy for almost as long as I can remember, and we get along together like a house on fire


We normally catch up at least once or twice a week over a coffee or beer, and we’re certainly never stuck for something to chat about.  One of the main reasons I enjoy chatting to Dave so much is that we kind of speak the same language, and can talk about anything under the sun without having to worry about offending each other in any way.


We both share a lot of similar interests, especially football,or sports in general, and can sit for hours on end beating on about different players and teams in the league. We’ll also often have a good natter about old friends from school or college, keeping each other updated with any trivial gossip or scandals. I guess we’re really like two peas in a pod, and are able to talk about anything together.


I guess the number one reason I love chatting with Dave is that I always feel at ease, and I’m able to open up and talk about whatever is on my mind. Another great thing about Dave is that he’s never judgemental, as well as being a great listener, so I’m also able to talk to him about any personal problems I might be having in my life, and like a true friend he’s always there for me.


Thank you….”














  • To get along like a house on fire


When two people like each other very much and become good friends very quickly, we can say they get along like a house on fire.


I was very anxious about meeting my girlfriend’s father for the first time, but we got along like a house on fire.”


  • Over a coffee/beer/dinner…


To discuss or talk about something while having a coffee/drink/eating together.


Let’s meet up this weekend, and talk about it over a coffee.


  • To speak the same language


When two people share similar opinions, ideas and understand each other well, we can say they speak the same language.


We both studied computer science, and also work in the tech industry, and really speak the same language.”


  • everything/anything under the sun


Everything you can imagine, many different things.


I love shopping online as it’s possible to find just about everything under the sun.”



  • Like two peas in a pod

This means to be very similar in character/ looks to each other and like the same things.


“My brother and I are like two peas in a pod, and like all the same things, as well as looking like each other.”



  • For hours on end


When something happens for a long time, without stopping. Hours, days, weeks, years…


“I have been sitting here for hours on end. When do you think the doctor will have my test results?”


  • To natter


This is just an informal word for chat, usually about unimportant matters.


“I do like my neighbour John, but every time I meet him he natters on about nothing, which I don’t have time for.”


  • On one’s mind


To be in one’s thoughts or to be preoccupied with something.


“He has a lot on his mind lately, as he just lost his job, and has a family to take care of.”







Describe a friend you like to talk with – Part 3





What do people like to chat about when they meet up?



describe a friend you like to talk to“Well, I think generally speaking most people like to chat about what’s going on in their lives, or their hobbies and interests. I guess  when it comes to what’s going on in their personal lives that people would usually just chat about this with close friends or family.


If people are less familiar with each other, they will normally just talk about more general topics, such as the weather or last night’s football game. 


If it’s in the workplace, people often tend to chat about different things related to their job, or the industry in general, depending on how well they know each other.









Do you think men and women enjoy chatting in the same way?


Wow! To be honest I’ve never really thought about this, but I guess generally speaking there may be some differences. I believe that perhaps women are better at expressing empathy than men, as well as often being better at expressing their feelings, which is a good way to build a relationship with others. 


Another difference, at least traditionally, could be the topic of conversations, and very often many guys enjoy chatting about things like sports or work, whereas women prefer talking about more personal matters. 


Having said that, I think it often depends on the individuals, and I’m sure different people enjoy chatting about different things, depending on their interests or personality. I think the old stereotype that women like to talk a lot more than men is possibly outdated, and that both sexes enjoy talking as much as each other.”






Do you think it’s important for a friend to be a good listener?


describe a friend you like to talk to“Yes, I think to be a true friend,it’s extremely important to be a good listener. Being able to listen to a friend effectively means you can better understand them as a person, as well as a friend. 


What’s more, being a good listener can also help you to gain some new points of view or insights, especially if you have some problem that you are finding difficult to solve.


Furthermore , being a good and patient listener can help you to better understand people, and build long lasting friendships. So, I think that listening really is an essential part of any conversation.”





Do you think people who are good talkers are more popular?


describe a friend you like to talk with“Well, I think good talkers often seem to have a wide circle of friends, so I guess yes, they are normally more popular. Personally , I think good talkers are usually very outgoing and love to be around people, and can even provide a source of entertainment to others who are not so good at talking or expressing themselves. 


Mind you, although it’s great to be good at talking or communicating with others, I also believe that it’s just as important to be a good listener. Although some great talkers might seem to be very popular, they might not actually have so many close friends, so I think it’s important to find a balance between talking and listening to others.”







More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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Part 2 and 3 example answers






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