Describe a famous person you are interested in

describe a famous person you are interested in
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Describe a famous person you are interested in






Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:


  • Who the person is
  • How you know of this person
  • What this person did to become famous

And explain why you are interested in this person





Example 1


describe a famous person ielts part 2“A well known person I’m actually fascinated by  is Bill Gates, who’s best known as the co-founder of Microsoft, one of the world’s largest technology companies. 


I first heard about Bill Gates when I was back in middle school. I was fascinated by his story of how he dropped out of college and started Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen.


Throughout the years, Bill Gates has become a household name in every corner of the world. His success with Microsoft has earned him a place in the tech world and made him one of the richest people in the world.


 As well as that,he’s also made a name for himself outside of business. He’s a world famous philanthropist who’s dedicated a lot of his time and money to making the world a better place.


I’m interested in Bill Gates because of his ambition and drive to succeed, and I really think that he’s a great example of what you can do with hard work and dedication.


 I also admire his amazing work and efforts for charity. He’s done so much to help people who are less fortunate, and I think that’s something to be celebrated.


Personally, I find Bill Gates an incredibly inspiring figure. His career achievements, philanthropic work, and dedication to making the world a better place are just some of the reasons why he’s become so famous. And these are the reasons I’m so interested in him.


Thank you.”



  • Idioms


The idiom “drop out of college” means to quit a post-secondary educational program before completing it. For example, “John decided to drop out of college after his first semester.” 


The idiom “a household name” means a person or thing that is well-known by a large portion of the population. For example, “Apple has become a household name since the release of the iPhone.”


The idiom “make a name for oneself” means to become famous or well-known. For example, “John was able to make a name for himself with his successful business venture.”





Example 2


describe a famous person you have an interest inOne famous star that I have a real fascination with is Taylor Swift,who’s a world famous singer-songwriter,and has become one of the biggest names in music over the last decade.


 I first heard of her when she released her first album, back in I think 2006, and it quickly skyrocketed to the top of the charts, and I have been a huge fan ever since. 


One of the main reasons I’m so interested in Taylor Swift is because she was able to make such an impressive career for herself at such a young age. I remember reading somewhere that she was only 16 when she released her first album, and she has since gone on to become one of the most successful artists in the music industry, which is almost unbelievable. 


As well as that,she has also been a great vocal advocate for women’s rights and empowerment, and I really admire her for that.


 On top of that, her music and catchy beats have been a source of comfort and inspiration for many people, and I’m always impressed by how her music has been able to connect with people around the world, which I believe is an amazing feat.


Thank you.”




  • Idioms


To skyrocket means to increase rapidly and dramatically. Example: The company’s profits skyrocketed after the launch of their new product.


Catchy beats is an idiom used to refer to music with a memorable, rhythmic, and/or upbeat sound. For example, “The new pop song has some really catchy beats that make it perfect for the dance floor.”








Describe a famous person you are interested in – IELTS speaking part 3





Do you think that the media pays too much attention to famous people?


Yes,personally I think the media pays way too much attention to famous people. It’s like they’re always trying to dig up dirt on them and follow their every move. 


I mean, it’s pretty ridiculous that people are more interested in what Taylor Swift is wearing than what’s happening in world news.


 As well as that, it’s not always healthy for celebs to be constantly under the microscope. We should be focusing more on what’s happening in the world and less on what the latest celebrity is up to.”



  • Idioms


To dig up dirt on someone means to search for embarrassing or damaging information about them. For example: “The reporter was trying to dig up dirt on the politician.”





Do you think that famous people are always the best in their field?


“No, I don’t actually believe that famous people are always the best in their field. Just because someone is famous, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re the best.


 For example, in the music industry, there are so many talented and unknown artists who could be considered better than some of the famous ones. As another example, some of the best chefs in the world don’t have their own TV shows or cookbooks.


Personally, I think  there are plenty of talented people who don’t get the recognition they deserve because they don’t have the marketing power of famous people. My opinion is that even though fame can be a sign of talent, it doesn’t necessarily mean someone is the best in their field.”





Do you think that people become famous today in the same way as the past?


a famous person“No,absolutely now, I think that fame today is often driven by social media, with people becoming famous for their online presence rather than their talent, or just for being wealthy. 


For instance, Kylie Jenner shot to fame through her Instagram followers, and has since become one of the richest stars in the world.


Other famous people today have  gained notoriety for their YouTube channels., or tik tok accounts. 


 Personally, I don’t think this type of fame is in any way comparable to the way people achieved fame in the past, when it was often associated with hard work and expertise in a particular field.”





Do you think that famous people make good role models?


“Well, I think generally speaking that famous people can make good role models. They often have inspiring stories and can motivate us to reach our goals. Take Oprah Winfrey, for example. She rose from humble beginnings to become a media mogul and one of the most influential people in the world. Seeing her success can inspire us all to work hard and pursue our dreams. 


Having said that, many famous people have made mistakes, like Kanye West for example, who has made many controversial public outbursts.


 While it’s important to learn from their mistakes, they’re not always the best role models. Ultimately, I guess it depends on the values and lifestyle of the famous person you’re looking up to.”





Why do you think that some kids are more popular than others in school?


That’s a good question, and I totally think that some kids are more popular than others in school.


I guess, a lot of times it has to do with what kind of activities they’re involved in or how they dress. You’ll usually see the same popular kids at the cool lunch table,  or hanging out with the “in” crowd.


 It’s not fair, but it’s a thing. Personally, I think everyone should have the chance to make friends and be part of the popular group, regardless of what they look like or how much money they have.”





Do you think it’s important to be popular in school?


Yes,personally I do think it’s important to be popular and well liked in the workplace. Being well-liked by colleagues and superiors can help you get ahead and build meaningful relationships. 


For example, if you’re friendly and approachable, you’ll be seen as someone people can depend on and trust. As well as that, It can also make work more enjoyable, as it’s easier to collaborate and work together when people genuinely like each other. In my opinion, being popular at work is often a key factor in career success.”







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 topics with example answers.




Describe a sports program you like to watch


Describe a speech you gave


Describe a time you saved money to buy something special 


Describe an adventure you would like to go on


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