Describe a family member you would like to work with

describe family member you would like to work with
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Describe a family member you would like to work with – IELTS speaking







Describe a family member you would like to work with


You should say:


  • Who this person would be
  • Have you ever worked with this person before
  • What kind of work you would like to do with this person


And explain how you would feel about working with them






describe a family member you would like to work with“A family member that I’d really love to work with in the future is my cousin John, who is a few years older than me, and now has his own successful marketing company. I’m now in my final year of studying media marketing, and John has always been there for me, anytime I needed some advice or help with my studies. I guess you could say he has been like a mentor to me.


I actually had the pleasure of working with him during my summer holidays last year, which was a really amazing experience, and I got a lot of great hands-on working experience . 


As I’m studying media marketing, John’s marketing company would be a perfect fit for me to put my years of study to use. I’m especially interested in social media marketing, and would love the opportunity to specialise in this niche market. I have also discussed this with my cousin, and he is also very interested in breaking into this market in the future.


If this could happen in the future I really would be over the moon with happiness, and it would be like a dream come true. I think it would be an amazing opportunity, as well as a challenge that I would relish. I think I could learn so much from my cousin, as well as working hard to prove myself. I also think having him take me under his wing would be a great start to my working life.


Thank you.”












  • To be there for someone

To be available to provide support or comfort for somebody.


“Anytime I’ve had any difficulties or problems in life, my mother has always been there for me.”


  • Hands- on

describe a family member you would like to work withTo be involved directly, or having practical experience with something, rather than just talking or reading about it.


“I really enjoyed chemistry class in high school, as we got a lot of hands-on experience with different experiments.”









  • Niche 

A niche market is a smaller part of a larger market, which has its own needs and wants that are different to the larger market in some way.


The market for computers is huge, but there is a niche market for gaming computers, or student computers.”


  • To take under one’s wing


If you take someone under your wing, it means you protect and take care of them.


“She was very nervous on her first day of work in the office, but the boss was very kind and took her under her wing.”






Describe a family member you would like to work with –  Part 3


What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages of working with family members?


“Well, I think one of the main pros would be that you are working with people you know, and are already very familiar with, as well as being able to trust each other. Furthermore, you might be able to enjoy a more flexible work environment, and may occasionally be able to come to work a little late, or leave early. What’s more, working in a family business can give better job security, as it’s very unlikely that you would be fired or let go.


Having said that, I guess there are some cons to working with family members, for example it might be difficult to advance your career, as a family business may lack the opportunities of a large company. On top of that, if there are any disagreements or arguments, it could lead to a very uncomfortable situation and cause tension at home.”








What are some advantages of working for a big or international company?


describe a family member you would like to work with“Personally, I believe one of the biggest advantages is that it offers some great opportunities  for career development and advancement. On top of that a lot of big companies offer some great perks, such as good health insurance, pension schemes and more.


Another thing that big companies offer is great networking opportunities, and you can have the chance of working with, and forming relationships with some very talented people, who may form their own companies in the future, and help you further your career.”










What kind of family businesses are there in your country?


“I guess there is a diverse range of family businesses in Vietnam today, but I think the most popular business would have to be family run restaurants, which there are certainly a huge number of, all over the country. Family run grocery shops are also very popular here, and I guess there are a lot of family run businesses in more traditional industries, such as farming, fishing, and ceramics.


However I think it’s becoming more and more difficult for a lot of these family run businesses to survive in today’s competitive and ever changing economy.”





Do you think it’s good to have competition in the workplace?


“Well…. I think it can be a great thing to have competition in the workplace, as long as it’s healthy competition. I believe the feeling of competition can often motivate people to work harder, and often bring out the best in people. On top of that it can add some excitement to an office environment, which I think can be a very boring and monotonous place without some healthy competition….so yeah, I think generally speaking it is a good thing to have some healthy competition in the workplace.”







More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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