Describe a family member you admire

describe a family member you admire
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Describe a family member you admire






Describe a family member you admire

You should say:

  • Who the person is
  • What they have done in their life
  • What they do now


And explain why you admire this person




example 1


a family member you admire“My grandmother is the family member I admire the most. She really is the rock of our family and is always there for us no matter what. She is the most resilient woman I have ever known and has been through so much in life but never let it drag her down.


Growing up, she worked hard to provide for her family and put food on the table. She became a mother at a very young age, and managed to raise six kids all on her own. 


She always put her children first, and made sure we all had the best education and upbringing. Now she is retired, but she still provides invaluable support and advice to us all.


Her resilience and strength is what I admire the most. Despite facing lots of hardships, she never gave up and kept going no matter what. She’s like a ray of sunshine and always manages to put a smile on everyone’s face. 


She’s also very wise and has a lot of wisdom to share. Whether it’s life advice, tips on how to cook the best food, or even just catching up on the latest gossip, she’s always there to offer a helping hand.”


My grandmother truly is an amazing woman and she has been a true inspiration to me as well as teaching me so much about life.

Thank you.”






  • To be a rock


The idiom “to be a rock” means to be a strong and dependable person who can provide support to others.


 For example, “My grandmother has always been a rock for our family throughout difficult times”.


  • To drag someone down


The idiom ‘to drag someone down’ means to make someone feel depressed, discouraged, and demoralised. For example: “The constant criticism from his co-workers was dragging him down.


  • A ray of sunshine


A ray of sunshine is an idiom used to describe someone who is always positive and brings happiness to others. For example, “My grandmother is a ray of sunshine, she always manages to put a smile on everyone’s face.”





Example 2


describe a member of your family you really admire“My dad really is one of the most incredible people I know. He’s the kind of person who you can always count on and he always puts family first. Growing up, my dad was the rock of our family. He worked hard to provide for us, even when times were tough. He was always there to lend a helping hand and offer words of wisdom. He was never too busy to listen to our stories and lend a sympathetic ear.


Now that I’m an adult, I’ve come to appreciate just how much my dad has done for our family. He’s been an incredible role model and has taught me so much. Not only has he been a great provider, but he’s also been a great friend. He’s always willing to lend a hand and even now, he’s still teaching me life lessons.


I really admire my dad because he’s a very selfless and giving person. He’s always putting others before himself and he always puts family first. He’s a man of integrity and he’s always honest and true. He’s taught me that it’s important to stay strong and fight for what you believe in. He’s also taught me to never give up and to always strive to be my best.


Thank you.”






To always count on


The idiom “can always count on” means to be able to rely on someone or something.


 For example: “I can always count on my dad to be there for me when I need him.






Describe a family member you really admire – IELTS speaking part 3





Has family life in your country changed from the past?


“Well, personally, I believe that family life in my country has definitely changed compared to the past. 


In the past, I think families were much more close-knit and spent a lot more time together. They always had dinner around the table every night and spent time talking and playing together.


 However, nowadays, families are often pulled in different directions and have less time to spend together.


 I believe that technology has also made a big difference, with more people spending time on their phones and computers instead of talking and spending quality time together. 


Having said that, I still think that family is an important part of life and, personally, I try to spend as much time as I can with my family.”





Which do you think is more important? Family or friends?


a family member you really admire a lotTo be honest,I think both family and friends are extremely important. Family, I think, is the backbone of our lives and provides us with unconditional love. They’re always there for us and will always be there to support us no matter what. 


Friends, on the other hand, are great for fun and companionship. As well as that, they help us to explore our interests and provide us with a different perspective on life. 


I think both family and friends help us to grow and learn about ourselves, so I think it’s important to have a good balance between the two. They both bring something special and unique to our lives and having both is essential to our wellbeing.”





Do children have a responsibility towards their parents in your country?


“In my country, children have a responsibility to show respect and appreciation to their parents. We are expected to show our gratitude for the hard work that our parents put into raising us, and for all the sacrifices they’ve made.


As well as that, we are also expected to help our parents out with tasks, such as chores around the house. 


I personally believe that it’s important to show our parents love and respect, and to let them know how much they mean to us. It’s also important to be there for our parents in times of need, or when they get older, and to lend a helping hand.”





Do you think the traditional roles of a husband and wife have changed from the past?



describe a family member you really admire“Yes, I definitely think the traditional roles of a husband and wife have changed from the past. In the past, it was more common for the husband to be the breadwinner and the wife to stay home and take care of the children and household duties. 


However,nowadays, it’s more common for both partners to work and share the household duties. 


I think that there’s a lot more equality in relationships, which I believe is a great thing.


 Men and women are both encouraged to pursue their passions and dreams and both partners are expected to contribute to the family. 


This shift in traditional roles has been very beneficial for all involved and has created a more balanced and healthy relationship dynamic.”



  • A breadwinner

The idiom a breadwinner is used to refer to a person who earns money to support a family.


 For example, “My father has always been the breadwinner of our family, working hard to provide for us.”








More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers





Describe an invention you think is useful


Describe a traditional festival in your country


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