Describe a difficult decision you made-IELTS speaking

a difficult decision you made
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Describe a difficult decision you made – IELTS speaking part 2






Describe a time you had to make a difficult decision

You should say: 

  • What the decision was
  • when you made it
  • How you made it

And explain how you felt about it.





describe a difficult decision you made“I think one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make was choosing what major and university to apply for after graduating from high school. I had to make this decision about 3 years ago, at which time I was at a crossroads in my life, and had to decide something that I knew would affect my whole future life in a pretty short space of time. 


Since I can remember, I loved anything to do with computers, and knew I wanted to further my studies in something related to computers, especially programming. After a few weeks of research on the internet, I narrowed my choice down to two universities. I was at my wits end trying  to make a decision between these two universities, when my mother reminded me that two of my cousins had both graduated in computer science. After some really sound advice from my cousins I decided to apply to the university which specialised in coding.


I can happily say that I think I made a really good decision, thanks to the great advice from my cousins, and I’m really happy with my choice, as well as with what I have learned in the last 3 years. I’m also feeling very confident about my future, and because of making this decision, I now feel very confident that I will find a good job in the future.


Thank you… “









  • At one’s wits end

To feel so frustrated and upset that you don’t know what to do.


I’ve been trying to solve this maths problem for the past 2 hours and now I’m at my wits end.


  • To be at a crossroads

To be at a crossroads means to be at a point where you need to make an important decision.


“After graduating from college I was at a crossroads in my life and needed to make a decision on what direction my life should take.”


  • Sound advice

This simply means good or reliable advice.


My teachers gave me some really sound advice on what major I should choose to study in the future.”






Describe a difficult decision you made


Part 3 example questions and answers




1.What kind of decisions do people often make throughout their lives?


“I think there are many decisions to be made throughout our lives….. Most young people today must decide on what they want to study after graduating from high school, which is a very important and often very difficult decision to make. People who are already working need to decide on how to both spend and save money, as well as maybe making further decisions on their future. Many of these people already have families and must make so many important decisions, such as their children’s education, where to live, and maybe even decisions that will affect their long term future and retirement……so, i think there are many important, and sometimes very difficult decisions to be made throughout our lives.”






2.Is it easier to make a decision by yourself or as a group?


describe a difficult decision you made“Personally, I believe that decisions are usually better when made by a group, as group members can contribute more ideas, and more knowledge, as well as more perspectives on the decision to be made. What’s more I think working as a group will also generate more options, and a better decision can be made. In contrast, as an individual making a decision, we can only rely on our own ideas and knowledge, which is perhaps limited. However , if a decision has to be made very quickly, or it’s some kind of emergency, then making the decision as an individual might be more appropriate.












3.Why do you think young people often refuse to follow their parents’ advice?



describe a difficult decision you made“Personally, I think many young people feel that their parents don’t really listen to them, or understand what they want or need in life, so maybe don’t want to follow their advice. Furthermore , a lot of young people today want to be more independent, and to be able to follow their dreams, which perhaps their parents don’t understand or agree with. Having said that, I think that most young people should at least listen to their parents advice, as of course their parents have had a lot more experience in life….. However I still believe that it’s very important for the parent to also listen to their child’s ideas, and have a constructive discussion on the decision to be made.”






4.Why do you think adults often second guess their decisions?


describe a difficult decision you made-ielts part 2“Wow, that’s a difficult question…..well, i guess some people are maybe insecure, or lacking in confidence, and take a long time to make a decision. What’s more, when they do come to a decision, they start to doubt it and worry that they are about to make the wrong decision, and start to second guess it.  I guess this can lead to the person becoming even more anxious, and making it even more difficult for them to actually make a decision.”



















More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers



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