Describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live

describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live
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Describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live (Not your  hometown.)






Describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live.(Not your hometown.)

You should say:

  • What and where it is
  • How you know of it
  • What it’s like

And explain why you would recommend it as a suitable place for living






describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live“Well, without even having to think about it, as far as I’m concerned the most suitable city for living in Vietnam is hands down Da Nang, which is an incredibly beautiful coastal city located in central Vietnam.


I first visited Da Nang when I was a little kid, when my parents decided to take a family holiday, to escape the heat and humidity of Hanoi, and it’s still one of my happiest childhood memories.


Da Nang is worlds apart from the sprawling, crowded and noisy cities of Hanoi or Ho Chi Min, and is a very popular destination for people looking to escape the hustle and bustle of these cities. It’s a city that really has so much going for it, with miles and miles of pristine beaches, friendly locals,great food, as well as a really laid back and chilled out vibe, that you can’t find in other cities.


I’d absolutely have no hesitation in recommending it as a suitable place to live to anyone, especially people who like the outdoors, and the clean fresh sea air. Another great thing about Da Nang is that you can really experience the best of both worlds, with a vibrant city that has everything you might need, and an amazing beach, that’s surrounded by beautiful scenery. One more great thing about Da Nang is that it has its own international airport that is very conveniently located, without the terrible traffic jams or queues in the bigger cities.


Thank you…”









  • Hands down


This is used to talk about something or someone that is the best or most important.


“I think that Ronaldo is hands down the best footballer in the world today.”


  • Worlds apart


We can use this to show that two things are completely different


“The big city she lives in now is worlds apart from the small village she grew up in.”


  • Hustle and bustle


A large amount of activity or work, usually with a lot of surrounding noise.


On weekends I love to get out of the city to escape all the hustle and bustle.”


  • So much going for it


To say that something/someone has so many positive qualities or to be in very positive circumstances.


She is very beautiful, young, smart, and really has so much going for her.”


  • The best of both worlds


A situation where you can enjoy two very different things at the same time.


By working remotely or online, he can have a good job and salary, and get to spend lots of time with his family. He really has the best of both worlds.”






Describe a city that you would recommend as a suitable place to live – Part 3





Why do you think many people want to travel to cities in other countries?


“I think there’s a number of reasons people like to visit foreign cities, and often it depends on the individual. For many people, they may feel like they are stuck in a rut, and are just yearning for something different and exciting. They want to get out and learn how other countries live, as well as experiencing different cultures first hand.


Furthermore , some people want to expand their perspective on life, and open their minds, as well as seeing there is more than one way to live. They can get to try something completely different that they can’t try at home….for example local street food in Bangkok, or a genuine Italian pizza in Venice.”









Do you think older people prefer to live in quiet places more than young people?


describe a city you would recommend as a suitable place to live“Generally speaking, yes, I think older people actually need a quieter environment than younger people. I think older people really appreciate some peace and quiet, especially after a long day at work, when they usually just want to relax and chill out. In contrast a lot of young people often find a very quiet environment to be boring, and want more excitement in their lives, and enjoy the sound of loud music playing or people having fun.”











Do people in your country prefer to live in a big city or a smaller town?


“Generally speaking, most people choose to live in a bigger city today, for a number of reasons. The bigger cities usually provide many more employment opportunities, and higher salaries than smaller towns, which is a main concern for most people. What’s more, big cities have a better and more advanced education system, at every level, as well as better health care and entertainment.


Having said that, there are a growing number of people who are tired of living the rat race in a big, crowded and polluted city, and are looking for alternatives. A lot of people today are able to now work remotely or online, which gives them some more options when it comes to choosing where to live. So, I think many people choose to live in a big city through necessity, and don’t actually have a choice.”







More links to Part 2 and Part 3 example answers


Describe an object you find beautiful


Describe a person who likes to grow plants


Describe a bad shopping experience


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