Describe a city you think is very interesting

Describe a city you think is very interesting
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Describe a city you think is very interesting – IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3.






Describe a city you think is very interesting


You should say:


  • What city is it
  • How you know of this city
  • What it’s famous for


And explain why you think it’s interesting





describe a city you think is very interesting“A city I really find extremely interesting is Venice, which I think has to be one of the most amazing, and fascinating cities in the world. Venice is located in… I think….the north of Italy, on the coast,and is one of the most popular tourist destinations… not just in Italy but anywhere in the world today.


Venice is known as the city of canals, but there are so many other things Venice is famous for including its beautiful bridges, gondola rides, historical buildings…. interesting old streets…..Oh! and also the Venice carnival, which looks like so much fun.


I remember I first learned about Venice back when I was in high school, and we studied the Shakespeare play “The merchant of Venice……. I can still remember my English teacher showing us a short video showing all the sites of Venice……… I remember thinking…! This has to be one of the most amazing cities i’ve ever seen, and decided this was a place i must visit in the future.


Venice with all of its magnificent….. historical buildings, ancient bridges and water really seems like no other city in the world today. It almost looks like something from a movie set, and is really out of this world. It’s amazing to think that this is actually a real place that still remains and looks the same as it did hundreds of years ago. I think that’s what really makes it so interesting, and  makes it stand out from other cities around the world today.


  I really think there are no other cities that can be compared to Venice, and it is truly a unique city, with more interesting and fascinating sites than you can shake a stick at


Thank you……











  •  Out of this world

If you say that something is out of this world, you are emphasising that it is extremely good or impressive.


We went to the new Italian restaurant in town last night, and the food was out of this world.”


“You should go to the beach in the evening as the sunset is really out of this world.”



  • To stand out

This means to be much better than similar things or people.


After searching through many different online courses, there was only one that really stood out as something that would interest me.”



  • To shake a stick at


A humorous or informal way to express a large quantity, or more than you can count of something.


“John has more relatives than you can shake a stick at.


“Usain Bolt has won more gold medals than you could shake a stick at!”




More Great idioms for places and travel





Describe a city you think is very interesting – Part 3 




1.Why do you think that people like to visit historical cities?


describe a city you think is interesting“I think there are a number of reasons for people wanting to visit historical cities, and I guess the main reason is that many people want to see, as well as feel what life was like in the past. Visiting these kinds of places can give people a better and deeper understanding of a country’s history, and of course its culture. There is also a significant difference between actually visiting a historical place compared to just reading about it in a book.


On top of that, these kinds of cities usually have a lot of well preserved, and very often magnificent historical  buildings, which is something we certainly can’t see in most of today’s modern cities or towns.









Do you think it’s important to protect historical places?



describe a city you think is very interesting“I believe it’s extremely important to conserve and protect these places, as they provide an insight into both the history and culture of a country. I also think that historical buildings can provide a country’s or city’s  people with a sense of  identity, and are often something people are very proud of. 


What’s more, I think it’s terribly important to preserve places of historical interest for future generations, as they can always be a reminder of where we came from, and how we got here.


Another reason is that these kinds of places and buildings are often popular with tourists, which of course is good for the local economy, as well as giving great pride to the local people.”







What are some advantages and disadvantages of tourism in cities?


“Personally, I feel there are many positive effects from tourism in a city or town. I think firstly, it’s good for the local economy, as these tourists are going to spend money when they visit, which will also help in providing more employment opportunities. 


What’s more I think it helps to speak cultural awareness and helps to build links and relationships between different countries and their people. On top of that it can also encourage local governments to protect and preserve historical buildings, which I think is extremely important.


Having said that, there are of course sometimes disadvantages with mass tourism in cities. For example, sometimes tourists behave badly, and don’t show respect for the local culture, which can lead to a negative clash of cultures.


On top of that it can possibly lead to environmental problems with thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of visitors arriving every year.


Mind you, I think if managed correctly, tourism is in general a positive thing for most cities, and something that should be embraced.”







Why do you think many people want to travel to cities in other countries?


describe a city you think is interesting“I think there’s a number of reasons people like to visit foreign cities, and often it depends on the individual. For many people, they may feel like they are stuck in a rut, and are just yearning for something different and exciting. They want to get out and learn how other countries live, as well as experiencing different cultures first hand.


Furthermore , some people want to expand their perspective on life, and open their minds, as well as seeing there is more than one way to live. They can get to try something completely different that they can’t try at home….for example local street food in Bangkok, or a genuine Italian pizza in Venice.”











  • Stuck in a rut

To feel trapped or stuck in a boring job or routine, and feeling that you really need change.


“Everyday, I go to the office, and sit at my computer, typing in numbers and then go home for the same dinner every night. I really feel like I’m stuck in a rut and want to change my life.”


  • First hand

Information or experience gained or learned directly, rather than from other people or books.


It was his second time to take the IELTS exam, so this time was easier because he now had first hand experience of the exam.”





More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers



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