Describe a childhood activity that you used to enjoy

describe a childhood activity that you used to enjoy
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Describe a childhood activity that you used to enjoy





Describe a childhood activity that you used to enjoy

You should say:

  • What it was
  • How you did it
  • Who you did it with

And explain how you felt about it




describe a childhood activity you used to enjoy“When I was a little kid, I used to love playing tag with my friends. It really was one of the most exciting and fun activities to do,especially during summer. I remember we would run around like crazy, screaming, laughing and having the time of our lives. There was no better feeling than sprinting after your friends and tagging them, letting out a triumphant “you’re it!” It really felt like I was on top of the world. 


We had so much fun that we would play tag for hours on end, until we were completely exhausted. I remember my parents often scolding us for having too much fun, but we couldn’t help it. Tag was our way of letting out all of our energy and just having a blast. We were always so competitive, so we would try to come up with different tricks and strategies to make sure we never got tagged. We knew all the best hiding spots, the fastest routes to safety and the best tactics to fool our opponents. 


 My friends and I have all gone our separate ways now, but I still reminisce about those days. Whenever I think about playing tag, I get a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face. Tag was such an amazing childhood activity, and I still miss it to this day.


Thank you.”








On top of the world

This idiom is used to describe feeling extremely happy or successful. For example, “After winning the competition, John was on top of the world.


For hours on end

For hours on end is an idiom which means for a very long time, with no break or end.

 Example: My grandmother and I talked for hours on end about our family history.


To have a blast

To have a blast means to have a great time or a really enjoyable experience. 


An example of this could be going to an amusement park with your friends and enjoying all the rides, food, and games.


To go our separate ways


To go our separate ways is an idiom used to indicate that two or more people are no longer associated and have decided to part ways.


 For example, if two friends have had a falling out and decide to no longer associate with one another, they might say something like, “I think it’s best that we go our separate ways.





Describe a childhood activity that you used to enjoy – Part 3




Do you think it’s important for children/students to have enough free time to play?


a childhood activityAbsolutely! Free time is essential for children’s development. It allows them to use their imaginations and explore the world around them. As well as that, it teaches them important life lessons such as problem-solving, teamwork and communication skills. It also gives them a chance to learn new things, whether it’s through sports, music or art. If kids don’t have enough free time, they won’t get the opportunity to learn and grow as individuals. So,personally, I believe it’s extremely important that parents make sure their kids have enough free time to play and explore.”




What kind of activities do children in your country enjoy?


“Well, I think kids enjoy a variety of activities! I guess it all depends on their age and interests, but a lot of youngsters today love to play sports, as well as other outdoor activities. Many kids of course enjoy more relaxing activities such as  reading, drawing, or  playing board games. 


Of course these days, so many children are into tech, and perhaps spend  too much time sitting at home alone playing video games or mobile phone games, rather than taking part in any outdoor activities. 


Personally I believe that it’s extremely important to encourage kids to take part in and try a range of activities, especially some outdoor activities, which is not only good for their health, but also helps to build their social skills.


I guess, no matter what they’re doing, if they’re having fun, that’s the most important thing, and they’ll remember it for a lifetime! “




Have the kind of activities that children enjoy today changed from the past?


“Yes, I think that the kinds of activities that kids enjoy today have definitely changed from the past. For example, instead of playing tag or hopscotch, kids now are playing virtual video games on their Xbox or PlayStation. 


As well as that, Instead of playing games like jacks or marbles, children now spend most of their time on their phones or tablets, playing games like Fortnite or Roblox. If they’re not spending time online, they’re likely spending time outdoors, participating in activities like skateboarding, BMX biking, or scootering. 


Many kids also have access to technology that didn’t exist in the past, like drones and virtual reality gaming. It’s a much different landscape than it was even just a decade ago, and it’s likely to continue to evolve as technology advances.”




Do you think it’s important to find a balance between work and personal life?


a childhood activity you enjoyedAbsolutely! I believe that finding a balance between work and personal life is vital. If you don’t, it can lead to stress, exhaustion, and a lack of motivation. 


For example, if you’re working too hard without taking regular breaks and not spending enough time with your family, friends, and doing the things you enjoy, it can take a toll on your physical and mental health.


 On the other hand, if you don’t put enough effort into your work, it can lead to work-related issues such as falling behind on deadlines and even getting fired. 


I guess that the key is to find a balance that works best for you. If you can do that, you’ll be able to stay productive and fulfilled both at work and in your personal life.”







More links to IELTS speaking part 2 and part 3 example answers.




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