Describe a bad shopping experience

describe a bad shopping experience
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Describe a bad shopping experience (online/in a store) – IELTS speaking part 2






Describe a time you had a bad shopping experience(online/in a store)


You should say:


When it was

What you bought

What was the problem with it


And explain how you felt about it







describe a time you had a bad shopping experience“I guess one of the worst shopping experiences I’ve ever had was about 3 months ago when I ordered a few shirts for work online.


 My old shirts had become a little worse for wear, and it was time to update my wardrobe. I normally go to a shopping mall to buy any clothes I need, but this time I decided to save a bit of time, and give it a shot online.


I remember the  selection on offer was overwhelming at first, and it took me a while to narrow it down, but I found what I was looking for, and after setting up payment options, I was able to order 3 smashing new shirts, at what seemed a bargain.


To my surprise the shirts actually arrived the very next day, which I thought was pretty impressive. So far so good…. But as soon as I opened the package I was left disappointed. The first thing that caught my eye was the colour, which was supposed to be bright white, but was in fact more like grey. Upon further inspection, I could see that the quality of the shirts was really terrible, as well as looking like they would be too small for me, at which stage I was starting to feel angry, and cheated.


I immediately opened the shopping app on my phone, to contact someone in customer service, and left a message stating the problem, and how unhappy I was. I remember it took about 5 days before I even got a reply, which angered me even more. I was told that, not only did they have no refund policy, and that these were the only shirts that they had in stock.


Not only did I feel extremely angry, but I was also put off the idea of ever shopping online again. I decided that from then on I would buy anything I needed in an actual bricks-and-mortar shop, where I could see what I was buying, as well as trying it on.


Thank you…














  • Worse for wear


 When something is in poor physical condition due to long use. It can also be applied to people when someone is very tired, ill or drunk.


“The old television set is the worse for wear, and I think it’s time to buy a new one.”


  • To give it a shot

This means to try, or attempt to do something that you are not familiar with.


“I’ve never made a pizza before, but I’m going to give it a shot tonight.”


  • Smashing 


A kind of slang to describe something/someone as wonderful, excellent.


Yesterday was a smashing day, so I decided to go to the beach.”


“I live on the 25th floor, and have a smashing view from my window.”


  • To catch one’s eye


If something catches your eye, it means that you suddenly notice it.


“As I entered the restaurant, the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful decor.”


  • Bricks-and-mortar


To describe a physical building, especially a shop, rather than a business that only exists online.







Describe a time you had a bad shopping experience (online or in a store) – Part 3 




Do you think that customer service is important?


describe a bad shopping experience“Yes, certainly… I think good customer service is extremely important for any business. Keeping customers happy and satisfied is paramount to any business , especially if they want to remain successful.  If people receive good customer service, I believe that they are more likely to return and remain loyal customers.


 What’s more, happy customers will often tell their friends and colleagues about a service they are happy with, which can lead to referrals, and more customers.”









What are some differences between shopping online or shopping in a bricks-and-mortar store?


“Well, I guess the biggest difference is that shopping online is so much more convenient than traditional shopping, and people can buy whatever they need without having to leave the comfort of their living room sofa.


However, with traditional shopping customers are able to both see and touch the actual product, as well as often being able to try it out, which is impossible to do when shopping online.


As well as that, shopping in an actual store is generally safer than shopping online, as there is no risk of online fraud, or having your personal details hacked.


Furthermore , when visiting a store, it’s possible to have face to face communication with the shop staff, as well as other customers.”







Do people in your country enjoy shopping?


describe a time you had a bad shopping experience“Well, I think generally speaking that a lot of women really enjoy shopping, especially for clothes, and love nothing better than exploring the many different shopping malls, or browsing some of the fashionable boutiques to be found all over the country today. I think this is especially true of younger women and teenagers, many of whom really love to keep up with the latest fashion trend. 


Mind you, I believe that the growing trend of online shopping has perhaps changed the way many people shop  today, and that more and more people are now buying whatever they may need online. A lot of people these days are very busy with work or family life, and don’t have so much time to go searching for the clothes they want, which can be very time consuming. 


What’s more, shopping  online is often a lot cheaper, and is something people can do at any time of the day or night, without having to leave the comfort of their homes.”





More links to part 2 and part 3 example answers


Describe a photo that you are proud of

Describe a friend from your childhood

Describe a time someone gave you a positive comment

Describe a popular person in your country

Describe a friend you like to talk with



Part 2 topics – Updated






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